15.No Tragedy

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Just wanted to give another shout out! This time to VampWolf_0810 and to Bulta_orunae for their continued support! It means a lot to me! <3

Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Silas had split right after we returned to the cabin. Stating he had business to handle elsewhere. It's been two days since then, since Tara texted me and ordered me to wait in Broken Bow for further instructions.

I've been on the verge of losing my mind. Waiting around is not something I like to do, it drives me insane. It allows my mind to wander to all the places I have kept fenced off. The four sordid walls of the motel felt like a prison, and my thoughts were bouncing around the bars unable to escape. That moment in the woods running through my mind on a constant loop. I knew it wasn't my mom, but I couldn't escape from the memory-the feeling of me driving that stake into her in the chest. It was just another memory I would have to try and mute.

I also had the fact that my parents gave me a necklace that makes the wearer immune to supernatural abilities to dwell on... after two days I still didn't even know where to start on that revelation. If it were just a coincidence or... if they knew of its properties when they gave it to me.

That heaviness in my chest has returned with vengeance, making each breath feel like smoke in my hollow chest. This time I believe it's due to the worry that Tara has figured out my plans. If she did, no one would be safe from her hellfire.

I sighed, shifting on the lumpy mattress. My thumb idling over Silas' contact, contemplating if I should call him to see if he has any updates on Adeline and Hudson. It would give me something else to think about-even if it were just for a couple minutes. Just as I was about to click on the call button a message popped up at the dim screen.

Abandon graveyard off highway z, possible ghost activity. Check it out.

Thank god. I'm not sure I could take another day of sitting around. Despite running on two hours of sleep, I was energized to have something to do again-rather than stare at these faded gray walls, listening to my mind that never quieted. I pushed myself off the mattress, doing a little stretch.

I loaded my car up in record time, not wasting a second to get started on this possible case. It's been a bit since I've had just a generic ghost haunting. Ghosts were fairly easy to deal with, you just had to destroy their anchor-destroy whatever is still binding them to this plane of existence. Evicting them from this realm wasn't the difficult part-it was when they'd get pissed and try to make you a ghost too.

After twenty minutes of driving along a rural side-highway I pulled down the long gravel road of the isolated graveyard. My eyes narrowed in on the yellow crime scene tape that encased the church at the center of the property and the sheriff's deputies spread around the lot. Interesting.

My brakes squealed as I slowed, scouting the scene in front of me. A weeping woman with brown skin and shoulder length black hair sat on the steps of the quaint neglected church. She had a gray blanket around her shoulders while an emt knelt before her.

A trailer rested in front of the church, looking like a ramp with how it rested, almost perfectly aligned with the wooden steps that lead into the church. Various construction supplies and tools were spread across the yard. The chipped white paint on the wooden siding of the church had been removed in some places. Leaving splotches of timeworn wood. My vision drifted to the buckets of paint that rested beside the trailer. Hm, looks like they were renovating the property.

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