nine - the tour

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the tour

the tour

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that's all she could think.


she turned over in her sleep as the memory flashed through her dreams.

he didn't waste time grabbing his knife.

he charged after her.

it was a very powerful instinct.

she kicked her legs, squirming in her sleep, begging for it to stop.

she ran and ran, but eventually, he dived and tackled her to the ground.

his hands gripped her throat and squeezed.

she kicked and punched at him, but she couldn't breathe.

Dylan ran into the room, "Evie. Evie, wake up, sweetheart."

she was losing air.

her backpack was pressed into the ground, her spear flung far away when he tackled her.

all she could do was reach for a knife..

her hands reached up to grasp at her throat, begging for the pain to stop.

stabbed it into his heart.

his grip loosened.

the cannon sounded instantly.

she woke up with a gasp.

Dylan didn't touch her, he didn't know what to do.

but she needed it.

she threw herself into his arms and sobbed into his hold.

"I want it to stop."

"you survived, Evie, you can survive this too."

"I wish I didn't.. I really wish I didn't."

his heart completely broke.


she didn't go back to sleep after that, but she did have an interview to do the next morning, her victory tour.

she'd go outside, and speak to a camera.

easy enough.

she pulled on the perfect dress, a white top and a blue skirt, with blue suspender like straps that go up over the top portion.

she sorted out her hair and she stepped outside.

the camera instantly trapped her every movement and she knew it was already broadcasting her so she plastered on a smile and held the bottom of her dress up as she walked over the grass to the road.

normally your stylist and escort would come down to help with this interview, but it was decided that Finnick would help here, and the other two would meet her on the train to help with the rest of the tour.

she just had to get through today.

"there she is! the girl of the hour!" she heard Caesar's voice making her smile brightly at the camera.

"i'm happy to be here." she spoke sincerely, her voice ever so pure.

it felt weird,

standing in the street talking to a camera while Finnick watches from the doorway.

"so! how are you finding life in the Victors Village?"

"it's everything i could ever dream of, Caesar. the bed is so soft, yet somehow still springy when i want to jump on it. that's a good balance. believe me."

he clapped excitedly at the response. "i'm sure we're all happy to hear that you still love to jump on the bed. i'm sure a lot of Capitol children will be doing it to be just like you now."

she laughed sweetly. "it's fun, Caesar. it's like a trampoline indoors."

"how are you, sweetheart?"

"i'm fantastic, Caesar." she lied. "i love my new life, i love being home with my brother. and we're both forever grateful of the Capitol's generosity."

"well, thank you for your time, you truly are the Capitol's daughter."

she smiled and gave the camera a curtsey. "i love them as much as they love me, i assure you."

she smiled until the camera dropped and turned off.

she let her smile drop, and allowed herself to breathe.

the tour was only just beginning.

she still had far too many smiles to give and speeches to read.

how was she ever going to do this.


authors note
okay- these chapters are gonna be short because of the way i'm splitting them up

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