chapter twenty-four: butterflies

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Brooklynn and JJ entered the Chateau and situated themselves in the spare bedroom. Brooklynn sat on the end of the bed with JJ in front of her, sitting on the desk chair.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Brooklynn asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes- I-I mean no, not really," JJ stuttered.

Within the 8 years that Brooklynn had known JJ, she'd never seen him stutter. Ever.

"J, what is it? What's wrong?" Brooklynn slowly questioned.

JJ groaned, hunching over and putting his head in his hands.

"You can talk to me. I'm right here," Brooklynn said, moving closer to him.

"I can't do this with you anymore, Brook," JJ sighed.

Brooklynn's heart immediately dropped, assuming the worst.

"You can't do what?"

"I can't pretend that we're just friends," JJ let out, looking back up at her.

Butterflies erupted in Brooklynn's stomach as she waited for JJ to elaborate.

"Brook, look, we've known each other for a long time. Since we were in freaking third grade. And I've always felt different around you. And I always tell myself the same thing, that it's because I've known you longer than anyone else. But that's not it!" JJ rambled.

"JJ, what are you saying?" Brooklynn asked, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Fuck, Brook. I-I like you, okay?!" JJ confessed, "I can't pretend I don't anymore."

"J-" Brooklynn started.

"Let me finish," JJ ordered, "The other night is when I actually realized it. Kie and Pope just shouted at me, but you... you jumped fully clothed in the fucking hot tub. I've never had someone care about me like that."

"I like you too, JJ. Maybe a little too much," Brooklynn admitted, "But, I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship."

Brooklynn looked down at her bracelets, avoiding eye contact in embarrassment. JJ grabbed her hands, making her look up at him.

"I don't really know what it's like to be in a relationship," JJ said, "So how about we try together?"

"Okay," Brooklynn nodded.

"Okay? So you'll be my girl?" JJ asked, a giddy grin appearing on his face.

"I suppose so," Brooklynn teased, standing up and giving JJ a short peck on the cheek.

JJ's cheeks immediately lit up, turning pink. He shook his head in adoration for his girlfriend as he watched her walk out of the Chateau.

JJ quickly caught up to her and held her hand as they sauntered up the dock.

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now