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Wandering the empty streets seemed like a good way to clear my head and get some fresh air. If the air wasn't so polluted with smog, that would've been a top-notch bonus, but I couldn't complain too much. The stars were hardly visible, and I couldn't see the moon even if I tried. But the cool breeze almost made up for it.

Walking, I saw the dimly lit sign of the bar I worked at. I exhaled a sigh as my jaw dropped slightly.

"It's been so long," I groaned, "they probably think I'm dead or something!"

Frowning, I watched the door slam open, a woman stumbling out while clutching a vodka bottle.

"Hey! You can't leave the premises with alcohol!"

"So fucking what?!" I shuddered as the bartender was sent flying back from a shove. Sure, the woman was drunk, but she was still strong. She mumbled some other things before turning my direction and weaving towards me. I stood frozen, watching as the bartender just shook his head and retreated inside. The drunk woman stumbled down the street, her figure illuminated by the fading lights.

It clicked in my mind, and I was almost scared, yet oddly thankful. There was a fleeting thought that I should turn around, shake my head and say 'that's that' and leave, but there was another thought that overwhelmed that one, one that made me walk towards her.

"Im?" I called out, a little quieter than I'd intended. It got her attention anyway. Looking up, she stumbled across the street and back onto the sidewalk, her tie hanging loosely around her neck as she coughed into a closed fist.

"Y/N? Man, have I been fucking looking for you everywhere, dollface." She slurred, hiccupping as she swung the bottle down by her side. "I went to that dump looking for you. They thought you were dead. Dead!" She gave a wide grin, her crimson eyes dancing around before landing on mine. "Stupid idiots. Then I got a little mad, well, that's an understatement." She twirled a finger in the air, her expression bewildered. Narrowing my gaze, I offered her a questioning look.

"Exactly how mad did you get, Im?" I asked slowly, watching her attention be brought back to me. She gave a sloppy shrug before taking a swig from the bottle.

"I don't know, all I remember was blasting a guy across the room and hopping over the counter. I grabbed this and walked out." She explained, her focus wavering slightly. She held up the bottle, grinning like a goofball. "Drink?"

"You're drunk."

"I ain't drunk!"

"You. Are. Drunk."

"I ain't fuckin' drunk!" she growled. I just shook my head and offered her a hand. She stared at it with a confused frown.

"Come on, my apartment's closer, so we're going there." I said matter-of-factly, with a small smile. She groaned and threw her head back before taking my hand, letting me lead her along like an adult guiding a reluctant child. Glancing down, I noticed her hunched posture and the way she stared at our connected hands, almost like they were made of glass. I couldn't help but notice how sweaty they were too.

"Everything okay over there?" I asked, snapping her out of whatever daze she was in. She looked up at me abruptly, causing a loud crash. Looking down, I saw the shattered remains of the vodka bottle by her ash blonde shoes.

"Damn it! My booze!" she gasped, staring at the ground with an intense hatred. I gave a stifled laugh, before patting her on the back and putting on a serious face.

"It's okay, it's in a better place now." I tried to console her, but the way she mourned the bottle was priceless.

"The heck it is! I could've finished that cheap swill!" she exclaimed, giving mixed signals as she swatted my hand away but squeezed my other one tighter. I shrugged and kept walking, knowing this was going to be an interesting night.

Opening the door of my apartment, I sighed, thankful that we made it in one piece. Luckily, V was at work, otherwise the ash blonde holding my hand so tightly would've tried bouncing her head off the wall, which wouldn't end well for the ash blonde.

"Fucking hell, your place is a shithole." Nayeon muttered, looking around the small apartment room. I shrugged before slipping out of her grasp and walking towards the kitchen.

"Well, not everyone lives in lavish penthouses, Im." I sass, gaining a groan from the girl. "And besides, it's good enough for my roommate and I, so it's fine." I add, opening the fridge.

"Oh yeah? And who's that?" she asks, leaning on the kitchen island looking at I pull out the ice cream tub, placing it on the counter.

"His name is V, good dude." I reply briefly, grabbing two bowls and two spoons. "What toppings do you want-"

"YOU LIVE WITH A GUY?!" she shrieked, dodging my question entirely as I gave a frown.

"Yeah... and..?"

"Is he gay?"

"Not that I know of..?"

"Then you're living with me now." she strode over to my side of the island and gave a hard stare, to which I reciprocated whilst crossing my arms.

"What are you, my mom?"

"Well I could-" a thump of something hitting the girl and then clattering to the floor made Nayeon grow silent as she glanced from me to the utensil at her shoes.

"Did you just throw a spoon at me?" she asked, genuinely confused. I pressed my lips together and held my stare, to which she cracked a smile at. "D'aww, look at you, being cute 'n shit, tryna be mad at me." she cooed, tracing my cheek with a finger. I huffed, turning my head away, to which it was forcibly turned back to the ashen blonde, crimson eyes glinting.

"Fucking hell, if I wasn't so fucked up I'd... I'd.." she trailed off, leaning noticeably closer than before. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You'd what, Im?" I asked quietly, more of a whisper coming out. Sighing, I flinched as her hot breath fanned my neck.

"Fuckin' just... call me Nayeon" Without another thought, she slammed her mouth onto mine, holding the side of my face as she sloppily molded our lips together. I squeaked, but easily gave in, humming at the drunken attempt at a kiss. Pulling apart, she gave a smirk.

"What? Not gonna slap me this time, dollface?" she cooed, making me breathe a laugh. "When I said that you'd ride with me from now on, I really, like, really, fuckin' meant it. You're mine now, and anyone sayin' otherwise is going to die." she slurred, leaning her forehead on mine. I gave a giggle before nodding.

"I think I can live with that."

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