My head snapped so quickly as soon as i heard the name 'Alaska'.

"Yes, and it's coffee and chocolate, just like his favorite." Alaska smiled.

I couldn't believe Alaska was here. And she was so gorgeous... Liam wasn't lying. No wonder why all the boys fell for her. Tall, skinny, glowing skin, amazing hair. I was nothing compared to her.
Do you know that time when you were in public and someone just walked in front of you or someone that was on your sight and you couldn't help but just stare? That was Alaska for you.
Suddenly i wasn't in the mood to.. participate in life. You know what i'm saying? Like i just wanted to lay in bed, scented candles, falling asleep to my favorite songs and lost in my own thoughts.
Louis' voice suddenly sounded like it was just a blur, i decided to excuse my self and went to the toilet.

I looked at my reflected self on the mirror. It hides nothing. I wasn't pretty like Alaska. I wasn't skinny like Alaska. Now i knew why Niall was so into her. Oh my god, why am i like this? I was perfectly fine hours ago.

Come on, don't fool yourself, Kate. You know you are nothing compared to that beautiful creature that happens to be Niall's type.

And it just fucking hit me, it all suddenly makes sense cause I just figured out something.
Can you guess what?

Well, i won't deny it this time but i think i was falling.. hard.. for Niall.

I chuckled, stupid girl stupid girl. Always falling for someone who's out of your league. Why can't you learn something from your past?
Relationships are messy. People's feeling got hurt. You must have known that by now, Kate.

I hated it so much when i let my inner self talk, saying what i didn't want to hear- the truth. I hated when it always right. I hated being so regretful of anything i have done.
I didn't realize tears were on my face. Ugh, i hated crying. Stupid girl, crying over someone who doesn't even think of you. I wiped my tears and washed my face. I looked at my self for the last time on the mirror, trying to smile. I sighed and went back to the group.

Liam greeted me, "Hey." he said, and i just smiled.

"You okay? Look a bit pale.." he asked and i nodded, muttering a 'yeah'.

"So what's the plan?" i asked Liam.

"Well, i guess it's nothing special. We do have confetti for him though, but same old, turn the lights off, and when he got home and turn the light on we'll be like 'happy birthdaaay!' and then Alaska would come from the kitchen and brought the cake for him and he'll blow..." Oh shit, not that name again.. "and that's it!" Liam explained.

"Alaska would be there?" i said, playing innocent.

"Yeah, it was actually Harry's idea though, cause Niall hasn't seen her in a long time and we just want Niall to be like suprised, and happy cause we put amazing people together in the room that has been in a part of his life. Pretty much." he said.

"Cool. Can't wait to meet her." i said smiling.

"Oh, she's actually here! I think i saw her in the back, want me to introduce you?" he offered.

Aw Liam, why are you so.. thoughtful.

"Yeah, sure." i said and Liam led me to Alaska.

"A!" he said.

The blonde hair looked at Liam and smiled, "Hey, batman."

"This is Kate, a good friend of mine." Liam said and pointed at me. I waved at her and smiled.

"Oh yeah, Harry told me about you. It's such a pleasure to meet you!" she grinned and went to hug me and kissed my cheek.

"Really? Wow i hope it isn't something bad..." i trailed.

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