"Well good luck to you in recovery, and I'll see you tomorrow morning Eric," Max said. Before he left he eyed me up and down, looked at Eric, back to me, and then back to Eric again. Finally, Max turned on his heels and left the same way he came.

"Apartment 247," Eric said, examining the keys he was given.

"Eric I don't wanna be in the dormitories. What if I get attacked again? I asked.

"Max is already suspicious about you and I, so I can't exactly ask you to stay with me," I take a deep breathe, scared of what could happen without Eric there to protect me. "Hey. Hey, listen. It's going to be okay. You will be fine and I will tell the control room to keep a close eye on the cameras," he had managed to pull me into a hug so I was slightly hiding back the tears. "After initiation is over we won't have to hide anymore but for the next week, we will have to stay on the down low."

"I just want this all to end so we can just be together," I said between sniffs.

He stroked my hair, "I know, I know. And it is almost over. Just one more week. One more."

I nodded and stepped back from the hug. I wiped the back of my hand across my face to wipe up any tears that slipped and then wiped my hand on my shirt. I took one of his giant hands in both of mine and just stared down at our hands. Over this long day I've come to realize that Eric really does care for me. He must've caught me smiling at the thought because he squeezed my hand and asked, "What are you smilin' about?"

"I love you," I said through more tears. Happy tears this time though.

"I love you," he said back, leaning in to kiss me. When our lips touched I felt this longing for him. I hadn't realized how much I missed his lips and his gentle touch. His hands are on my hips and the slightest movement makes my stomach flip. I move my hands to his chest and clench his shirt in my hands. The kiss is soft and slow. Our lips move in unison and I thought for sure he was going to slip his tongue between my lips, but I was wrong. Instead, he pulled away, resting our foreheads on each other.

"I'll walk you back now," Eric said, still centimeters from my lips.

"I think you've said that like 3 times now and look where we are," I laughed out of breathe.

"It's not my fault I can't stay away from you," he smiled. I just smiled and leaned my forehead on his chest. I'm so tired and want to just close my eyes and forget all the bad that happened today. Before I know it, I actually start to drift off into a nice sleep. Last thing I remember, I was laying down and I opened my eyes just enough to see Eric lean down and kiss my forhead. Then, I was out again.


What kind of sick initiation makes you take on all of your fears, one after another, everyday for 7 days straight? Oh right, Dauntless initiation. Four just explained the fear landscape but I didn't pay attention. I was too busy staring at the mesmerizing grey eyes that held so much power. Not the kind of power of a faction leader, but the kind of power where one glance makes my heart stop. He stares back until Four calls him over to help the initiate off the chair and back to the dorm. After he left I could finally focus on what was happening in front of me. It was like the fear simulation but instead of one fear at a time, it's all of them. And it doesn't take as long because you're more awake than in the other one.

After a few rounds of people going, Four calls my name so I walk up to the side of the chair. It's a lot more intimidating now that it's my turn. I want to turn around and run but the hand on my back tells me otherwise. Dauntless never give up. I tell myself. I turn my head in hope to find those grey eyes, but when I find blue, I realize it is only Four.

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