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———— act one. gold rush
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ─── black wave
to listen to brutal by olivia rodrigo

 gold rushCHAPTER EIGHTEEN ─── black waveto listen to ➺ brutal by olivia rodrigo

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i am so tired. i just want to go home. i am so full of wanting.

— safia elhillo, home is not a country

why do so many of my chapters end with josie having a panic attack? good question, but i don't have an answer. to get to the good stuff, you gotta go through the bad i guess. warning: end of chapter contains deep depictions of a panic attack. if that bothers you, please read with caution. love ya!

THE TENSION THAT PULSED ACROSS THE PORCH OF THE CHATEAU WAS SO THICK THAT NOT EVEN A KNIFE COULD SEVER IT. Leaned against one of the white, wooden columns of the screened patio, Josie stood with crossed arms and a grimace. Everyone braced for the argumentative rejections that were expected in response to John B's explanation, which was accompanied on the outdoor couch by none other than Sarah Cameron.

"No effing way!" Kiara loudly refuted, stern as she crossed the floor to approach Josie while staring at the brunette boy. "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"

John B looked around at his other friends for any support in his decision, idiotically glancing to Josie first. She scrunched her face, tilting her head at him blankly with pursed lips. There was no way in hell he actually thought she was going to endorse such a stupid proposition of bringing the Cameron girl along.

His gaze then moved to Pope, who shook his head and shrugged cluelessly. "I dunno," he mumbled.

"Look," JJ spoke up from his spot in the chair, pointing to himself and the respective parties. "All I care about, is her cut comes outta your share." The claim earned a glare from Josie, who wordlessly scolded him for not backing their friend in her anger.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. Do you, corporate?" Kie pointedly turned to Josie, who silently shook her head in confirmation. "This is our thing. A pogue thing. You swore on the book."

Kie's assertion caused John B to annoyedly roll his eyes, which quickly got under Josie's skin. "But y'know what? We can fix that right now," Josie stubbornly added, smugly looking at her female friend. "All in favor of her leaving, raise your hand."

Instantly, Josie and Kie's hands went to the air. The redhead turned to her other two friends, who shared a hesitant look with each other. She coughed, features hardening as she sternly glared at JJ. Quickly, his hand shot up with a firm nod.

Pope's hand slowly joined them in the air. "I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this," he commented.

"Thank you!" Kie exclaimed, while both girls waved in his direction.

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