Puppeteer Ch3

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Sorry for all the pov swaps I find it easier to convey emotions and thoughts.

'Well, he seems quite....interesting...'He says and starts too laugh. The teachers in the lounge next door are absolutlely terified as one should be when Nezu starts to laugh.

Ushinatta pov

I'm never going back. Who needs classmates when I've got Kugu and Mammoth. They're all going to grow up as fakes only there for the fame and money. It's ridiculous.

Kugutsu pov

The next day, Kugutsu walks into the classroom silencing them.

'Kugutsu, come with me. We're going to Nezu' Aizawa says and after motioning to me he exits. I trail after the sleep-deprived caterpillar. I know what this is about

'If this is about Ushi he won't come back especially after the actions of you class and you, the only hero he likes or tolerates at least' He says already annoyed at how this is the start of his day.

'We're here' he states. No shit, sherlock

'Ah, Kugutsu good to see you' He welcomes me in but i ain't having any of this shit.

'Get to the point Nezu. If this is about yesterday, no Ushi will not be coming back too UA especially after that 'welcome'.' Sighing, I sits down ready to hear whatever crap's about to come out of this rat's mouth.

'Well it seems you have figured out the point of this meeting but may I ask why you attacked two of our staff and pro heroes?' 'Simple really Nezu. They tryed to stop us leaving with Ushi even after we warned them-' 'You keep on talking about 'Ushi' who is he exactly?' 'My creator and I would like to say younger brother' I can see the cogs whirring behind those devil eyes.

'What about his parents?' 'Dead. And you know why? Because of the hero's apparent 'unsuitability' to the situation. SO because of the so-called 'heroes' cowardness he sacrificed his parents at the age of NINE! This conversation is over Nezu' I walk out knowing only more questions await when i get to the classroom. God I wish Ushi put a resting bitch face as a setting but for now I'll just have to resort to Bakugo's methods.

I walk back into the classroom and I'm blocked by Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo. 'Look,I'm not in the mood for an interogation get out of my way' 'But-!' I turn and look that nosy broccoli dead in the eye. 'Listen here Broccoli head, i said I'm not in the mood so fuck. Off. Got it?' I don't wait for a response and head to my seat only to be interupted by a certain blue hedgehog

'Kugustu! That was rather disrespectful, apologize to Midoriya!' 'Look here rip-off sonic how many fingers am i holding up?' 'Zero? But what does that have-!' I cut him off before he says anything else 'It's the amount of fucks i give' I wish I could say nobody bothered me after that but sadly I got dragged out my seat by a angry candy cane. 'Kugutsu I don't know what happened to you but we need to talk' Goddamn it'Fine but only if you stop bothering me afterwards'

We head outside and I see angry, explosive pomeranian and broccoli boy waiting for us. 'So, what do you want' 'You little-' 'I'm not talking to someone who shouts at a child'
'What the heck? What's wrong with you! All we wanna do is talk and apologize but you waltz up to school with this bitch-ass attitude! ' He grabbed my collar and shoved me against the wall.
'What's wrong with me... Ha. HAHA' I start to laugh ' WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?

I see now what Ushi means.

Nezu pov

It appears that he's told three other students but my thoughts are at how he managed to get into UA without the proper documents or any address at all? It seems I'll have to resort to Shinso for this matter-wait...would his quirk work on puppets seeing as it appears to have consciousness.

That is it for Puppeteer!

Just why? Bnha crackficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें