Beach Day pt2

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Cocos pov:

As I watched Mackenzie and Bluey finishing up on the tent I went to the water. I don't understand how Kenzie could like Bluey. She's smelly, not pretty, childish, and worst of all she makes everything about herself. Like who does that!?

I sighed in disbelief at how he could like her. I thought about more and more. Until I heard Mackenzie and Bluey talking about how they should go to his house, and hang there. My blood started to boil, and next thing I knew it I went to Bluey and pushed her down.

Blueys pov:

As I was talking to Kenzie about going to his house after we're done with the beach I felt a hard pushed that it made me lose my balance. I looked up and saw it was Coco. Her eyes looked like she wanted to hurt or even kill somebody. That somebody was me.

Makenzie was trying to stop her, but before I could even get up and get out of here next thing I knew it she started to punch me so hard that I started to lose my vision.

Mackenzie pov:

I got Coco off of Bluey and started to lose it.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS!" I said with tears in my eyes.

Coco just looked at me and smirked while walked off.

I looked back at Bluey and kneed down. I saw an aid kit in the tent and went to grab it. I brought it back and started to clean her up. After I did that I sat Blueys head on my lap and stared at her for awhile until I noticed her eyes started to open.

I stared into her pain looking eyes and hugged her. 

"It's gonna be alright, she's gone." I said to Bluey in a calm tone.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 25 ⏰

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