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As months went by, Sina ended up getting pregnant by Senri and marrying him as well. Sina also ended up getting back in touch with her father and brothers who were all shocked that she remembered him-well all but Michael who was happy that Senri was actually able to get her out of the place of horrors. He didn't want to see his baby sister going through anymore nonsense than she had to. 

Sina had enjoyed her father-daughter dance with her father who was proud of her for continuing on with her trio even with the obvious hate that was against her from the other female. Sina told her father that the only confirmation she needed was from the man that loved her, she couldn't give a damn about how a hormonal woman who was pregnant thought about her. When she had found out she was pregnant it was a month after she had gotten married to Senri. Senri was more than happy to know that she was pregnant, but it didn't stop him from touching her. 

By the time that Sina was five months along, Rima was going through Labor pains for her first child. Sina had to convince Senri to be there for her for their first child together. Even though Senri still didn't want to talk to Rima after what had happened between the two ladies, he went for Sina's sake. Senri was at Rima's side the entire time she gave birth to their first child, he stayed there while she rested to name their child and to make sure their child would be healthy enough to survive. 

Afterwards he waited to see if Rima was ready to apologize to Sina for her childish behavior. It was a few hours before Rima woke up, she was stunned to see that Senri was still there. 

"You stayed?"

"I was told to stay until you were ready to leave the hospital. Sina doesn't want to see me until you're ready to apologize to her and talk to her reasonably." Senri said shaking his head

Rima frowned as she looked down. "I...I had been cold towards her hadn't I? I can apologize to her. How have the two of you been? Were you able to get anything through her head about the two of you?"

"We're already married and she's five months pregnant right now."

"Oh...wow. So you were able to convince her that much huh?"

"Well, after she had been taken away I was told where she was placed so I had to pay to get her out then basically fuck sense back into her. It's because of her quick thinking that you didn't have to go into the college for school." Senri said with his arms crossed

"So...just how does Sina act around you now?"

"She acts rather obedient towards me, very rarely does she talk back to me or refuse me of anything. It's because of how she acts that I granted her this, she didn't want me to break the connection I have with you. Unlike me, Sina still cares a lot about you and still has some trust in you. You're going to have to earn that back with me."

Rima nodded her head sadly as she let out a sigh. "Why is she so kind towards me? I literally made her lose her memories."

"Because she loves you purely, she wants us to go back to how we should have been. We went to far with her too quickly. We had gotten too eager and that's how we got paid for it." Senri said leaning against his knees

It was silent between them for a bit before Senri's phone went off, he saw that it was Jacob-Sina's eldest brother. So he answered it confused on why he was calling him. "Hey Jacob is something wrong?"

"Yeah, dude why the fuck did you leave Sina alone for so long?"

Senri was confused as he looked at the time to see that he had been at the hospital for over twenty-four hours. "I hadn't realized I had left her alone for so long, She had urged me to be around Rima for the birth of her and I's first child."

Jacob let out a sigh. "So...it was a kidnap then...Dude Sina isn't home. I went to check up on her and you. But obviously you aren't here and I can't find Sina anywhere. Her shoes are still by the door which is why I'm so damn confused."

Senri was quiet again, before he let out a sigh and rubbed between his eyes. "Sina made mention to me that the two males that had came to get her had been eyeing her and shooting her confidence down from leaving. Apparently after I had bought her back the two of them were rather pissed knowing that they wouldn't be able to have her. Is there anyway to be able to find them?"

"Did she give you names?"

"Yeah she said their names were Katsu and Martin."

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. Those two assholes...They've been banned from that place for years because they steal women who have been purchased as their own play toys before literally fucking them to their deaths. They have this tendency to constantly move from place to place, so there's no way of knowing where they took her."

"Actually there is. I worried about something like this happening after what Sina had told me, so she had agreed to have a gps tag placed on her so I'll be able to find her."

"No shit...mind letting me know where my baby sis is so I can deal with those assholes?"

"You can meet me there, they're not touching what's legally mine. Rima is fine now, Sina and I can get Rima once she's able to leave the hospital." Senri said getting up

"Alright, sounds good to me."

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora