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As everyone settled at the dining table, I felt a bit tense, knowing that Zain and his family were still around. I tried to focus on the food, hoping to get through dinner without any more awkward encounters.

Aunty Nayla, however, seemed to have other plans. She eyed me with a critical look. "Zara, dear, don’t you think it’s inappropriate for a daughter-in-law to stay in her room all day? You should be more active in the household chores."

I bit my lip, trying to keep my composure. "I help where I can, Aunty," I replied softly.

But she wasn't done. "And considering how Ayaan left you right after the wedding, one would think you’d try harder to keep this marriage together."

Her words stung, and I felt a lump form in my throat. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I wanted to disappear.

He stayed silent at first, clearly irritated but holding back. When Aunty Nayla continued her taunts, he finally spoke up, surprising everyone at the table. "Aunty, that's enough."

Everyone looked at him in shock, including me. It was the first time any of them had seen him take my side. For me, it was the second time, considering what happened in the kitchen earlier.

Aunty Nayla looked taken aback. "Ayaan, I was just—"

"No," he interrupted firmly. "You were just being rude. Zara helps plenty, and our marriage is our business. If you can't be respectful, don't say anything at all."

There was a stunned silence around the table. Zain, feeling emboldened, decided to speak up. "Come on, Ayaan. Don't talk rudely with mom. She was just—"

He cut him off sharply, his eyes flashing with anger. "Zain, don't push it. And stay away from my wife."

Zain's face turned red with embarrassment and anger, but he kept quiet, realizing his warning wasn't to be taken lightly. Without addressing the incident in the kitchen directly, his message was clear.

Without touching his food, he stood up and looked at me. "Zara, come to the room after you finish eating."

"What happened to bhai?" Haris whispered to Aliza but I heard it.

He then walked out of the dining room, leaving a tense silence behind. Ammi, looking a bit embarrassed by the whole situation, tried to regain some normalcy. "Everyone, let's forget it and eat or else the food will get cool down."

I nodded, though I barely tasted anything as I finished my meal. After a while, I excused myself and went to our room, my mind swirling with thoughts. Ayaan's unexpected defense had left me with mixed emotions. Despite the tension, a small part of me felt relieved and even a bit hopeful that maybe, just maybe, things could get better between us.


As I walked to our room, my mind was a storm of thoughts. Why did I get so angry at Nayla aunty and Zain? Why did I feel the need to defend Zara like that? I couldn't make sense of my own emotions.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me. Feeling the tension still gnawing at me, I took out a cigarette and lit it, hoping it would help me relax. As I smoked, I replayed the scene at the dinner table in my mind. I couldn't stand the way Nayla aunty spoke to Zara. It made my blood boil. And Zain… the audacity of that guy to speak up after what happened in the kitchen.

I inhaled deeply, the smoke filling my lungs. Why did I care so much? I told myself it was just about respect and boundaries, but a part of me wondered if it was more than that.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice when Zara entered the room. I only realized she was there when she started coughing. Turning around, I saw her standing there, looking shocked. For a moment, I thought she was reacting to my outburst downstairs.

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