she would turn around and head back to her main room and others would open up into more 

rooms. She  realised she was in the best and biggest room with a natural water source. She 

was searching a new tunnel one day when she heard voices. It was more like shouting but she 

did not hang around to figure out who it was, she ran back to her cave chest heaving and 

heart racing. "What do I do now?" she mumbled to herself. The tunnel she traveled down was 

a long one with many small caverns off of it and some areas were very tight to pass through 

even for her. She decided to try and gather rocks and boulders to block off the entrance to 

the tunnel so whoever it was on the other side would not be able to get to her. She carried 

the rocks a ways back into the tunnel until she found a small path so it would take less 

rocks to block it off. She was so scared that it was Fergus on the other side. She was 

confused on what to do now should she stay and hope that her wall would hold whoever it 

was out or should she leave her cave and find another place to spend winter?

Andrew questioned Holly for hours before deciding he had all the information he needed. 

There was No denying it Elizabeth and Billi were one and the same. He did not let Holly 

know he had met her friend or that she was pretending to be a boy. He could not explain it 

but he did not trust her. There was just something about her story that left him feeling 

like not all of it was true. He was positive she was abused and beaten and it is possible 

she promised to find and turn over Billi to save herself. He did not know if he wouldn't 

promise the same if it meant saving his life, not that he would ever turn over someone he 

loved to a madman but to say whatever it took just to get free, anyone would do it. If they 

said otherwise they were most likely lying. 

 Andrew had enough information and while he was talking Markus made sure his food and horse 

were made ready for him to head out in search of Billi. He had already lingered longer than 

he wanted to talking to Holly. Winter was closing in on them and he needed to get out there 

and find her before it started to snow. Winter in the highlands was not a time to be out 

and about. It was a time to hunker down and stay close to the fire. Blizzards are common 

during the winter months and he knew he would not stop looking for her, he could not sit 

inside his cozy castle knowing she was out there freezing and possibly starving.

Markus met Andrew outside the castle doors he had both there horses packed and ready to 

head out.

 "Markus thank you, but you know I need you here."

" You need me helping you find Billi." he demanded

" I understand you want to help me but what if she comes back here? I will take a few 

soldiers with me but you must stay."

Markus did not like it but he was not going to argue and waste more time. so with a sigh he 

relented and agree to stay

" Thank you my friend I know it is not easy for you to be stuck here but I need someone to 

keep an eye on Holly as well I do not know why but I don't trust her."

"I know I want to but there is just a feeling I get when she talks sometimes that makes me 

think she is hiding something." Markus replied.

"I don't think she is a bad person I just think she might have made bad choice and is not 

trying to figure out what to do."

 "You think she agreed to help find Billi to save herself?" asked Markus

" I do." said Andrew " I think having had to deal with a monster beating her and raping her 

for a month she would have agreed to anything, I cant blame her but I wont allow her near 

Billi when I bring her home until I am sure she can be trusted." there was nothing left to 


 Andrew called together a small search party and headed out over the draw bridge in search 

of his missing squire... 

Highland Love { ON HOLD }Where stories live. Discover now