Chapter 7

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Hero Association Headquarters | 2:58 PM

(y/n POV)

Sitch: What the hell is going on out there!?

Sitch looks around anxiously as the lights flicker back on.

Employee: ...Mr. Sitch, I think you ought to take a look at this.

Sitch: What?

Sitch walks over as the employee pulls up a few different graphs and shows them to him. Based on Sitch's mortified reaction, I'm assuming it's bad news.

y/n: So? What's the situation?

Sitch doesn't turn away from the screen, still clearly shaken.

Sitch: Destruction levels are at 99.8%... City A was completely eradicated in an instant!

He puts his hands on his head, devastated.

Darkshine: Eradicated?

Silverfang: Hey! If that's true, how come this building was spared?

Employee 2: This building we're in was constructed by Metal Knight himself. Hence, it's quite a bit more durable than the average shelter.

Metal Bat: Tch. No wonder there's no windows...

Child Emperor: We should go outside and assess the damage. Come on!

The rest of the heroes begin filing out of the room as I notice Genos staring at a large hole in the ceiling.

y/n: What's that?

Genos: It's Master Saitama.

Fubuki: Is he on the roof?

Genos: Most likely. y/n, Fubuki-san, we should follow him.

I nod curtly in response.

The three of us make our way to the roof through the hole Saitama had made earlier, where we're instantly greeted with the pleasant view of a planet-destroying spaceship.

y/n: Well, I think we know what caused the damage.

Fubuki: What are we supposed to do against that?

I squint and look around as my eyes adjust to the brightness. Saitama is nowhere to be seen, but I don't think much of it. It's not like he'll get hurt or anything.

y/n: Any ideas, Genos?

Genos: There's little we can do from this range. I doubt any attacks from the ground will have much effect at all.

y/n: So, what are you suggesting?

Tatsumaki: How about you shrimps stand aside and let me handle this?

I sigh as Little Miss Broccoli rudely interrupts our brainstorming session.

Darkshine: How are we even gonna reach that thing?

Tatsumaki: Duh. We just throw shit at it.

y/n: You do that. Meanwhile, the rest of us will think of an actual plan.

Before Tatsumaki can start screaming in outrage, though, another explosion goes off nearby. The ground rumbles as energy from the blast quickly travels from the site of impact.

King: Looks like they're still continuing their assault. We should proceed with caution.

y/n: Genos, let's get up there.

Genos: Aboard the ship?

y/n: Yeah. I mean, as you said, there's not much we can do from here.

Darkshine: What about us?

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