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The second you drop your dish in the sink, the door knocks. Which is very odd. Based on how most angels act around you, you'd be shocked if a couple decided to pay you a visit. It might make sense if it was someone who wanted to see Adam, but surely they would've texted or called first, and when you turn to look at Adam, he looks as confused as you are. But, he's only pretending, and you fail to notice.

After your comment about children earlier, as well as the new colouring in your eye and your admittance about his importance, he figured it was the perfect time for a more difficult to pass examination. It stings to see you preforming differently to how he expects, because he can't stand the idea of being wrong. Despite the paradoxical nature of it, he wants you to fail at being an angel while also acting angelically towards him.

Since you get there first, you open the door. On the other side is a large wicker basket full of blankets and stuffed toys. And a baby. You double take at it. You couldn't guess how old it is, but you don't think it's big enough to be called a toddler. It has a small amount of curly, black hair, chubby cheeks, a turquoise pacifier, and seems to be sleeping peacefully.

"Um..." You purse your lips, looking unsettled. "This one of yours..?"

He chuckles under his breath, but tries to conceal his amusement as he answers you.


"Do you know whose it is..?"


You make a face at him, because he's being insanely unhelpful, and look back at the child.

"So... Are you gonna, like.. call someone? Because this is literally the only place in heaven it shouldn't be at."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He responds with an indifferent shrug.

He knows it's only an illusion, so isn't at all concerned about the 'baby's' wellbeing nor plans to call someone. He's just watching to see what you do.

"Go on, then." You nudge your shoulder into his arm.

"You're just gonna leave it there?" He tilts his head at you, looking mildly offended.

"I mean... Maybe the parent'll come get it in the meantime?"

"Doll," He's not really meant to guide you, but he can't help it. "You can't be serious. It's just a baby, and you wanna leave it all alone?"

You grimace slightly, understanding his point of view for a change. You were hoping that he'd agree, that someone just will come get it once they noticed it was gone as if they'd left their wallet here instead of their child, but he isn't. He thinks you're being cruel, which is fair in this case. You did indeed plan on leaving it there until Adam made someone collect it.

"Okay, fine..." You sigh defeatedly.

You pick up the basket and lift it inside, setting it down as soon as it's out of the way of the door and face it towards the wall.

"That's your problem." You point at it, the infant still sleeping soundly under the lined hood.

"Uh, no the fuck it ain't?"

"Uh, yeah the fuck it is?" You mock his tone of voice. "You're the only one of us that's had kids, so it should be you that keeps an eye on it 'til it's gone."

"That was Eve's freakin' job, not mine, and you're the closest thing to her 'round here, so it should be you."

"That's bullshit!" You say a little too loudly.

You both glance over at the basket when small, wimpy noises come out of it. A tiny, little hand reaches out, but you ignore it and look back to Adam.

"I didn't even want it inside." You whisper a yell. "So deal with it or I'm throwing it out!"

Our Redemption Arc (Hazbin Hotel Adam x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora