Chapter Seventeen

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Rhys didn't anticipate much of anything changing between them after Lux confessed his feelings. While he prepped dinner, he and Lux discussed what that meant for someone who was demiromantic and experiencing a crush for the first time. Lux did his best to avoid the conversation, but when Rhys made it clear why he was asking, Lux reluctantly opened up.

He encouraged Lux to think about boundaries and what he might need to be comfortable, and when he figured it out, Rhys would be happy to hear and more than willing to respect them. 

Lux, of course, was a little unsure, and Rhys gave him ample space, communicating through the preferred method of contact and keeping conversation light and professional, unless Lux broached the topic. 

When his phone chimed at two in the morning, he happened to be awake, currently "one more chapter"ing himself into a day of fatigue. He didn't think much of it, believing it was more than likely his younger brother. He ignored it until another notification sounded. Seeing that it was Lux had Rhys scrambling to respond. 

[From Lux: I hope you had a great day, Rhysend]

[From Lux: And if you didn't, I'm sorry for reminding you of your terrible day]

Rhys chuckled at the message, his heart feeling light as he recognized Lux's attempt. 

[To Lux: I had an okay day. How was yours?]

Rhys had barely hit send before his phone rang. With an arched eyebrow, he answered Lux's call. "Hi?"

"I know I said I prefer texting, but it seems to take too long for–hold on a minute–oh..."

Rhys giggled softly, not bothering to hide his amusement at Lux's impatience. "Sometimes it takes a while."

Lux's voice was tight with embarrassment, the words snagging in his throat a bit. "I see. Well..." he trailed off. 

Rhys knew he had a small window of opportunity before Lux would turn tail and run so he smoothly changed the subject. "How was your day?"

Lux exhaled a small breath before answering. "It wasn't as productive as I'd like."

"No?" Rhys sat aside his novel, marking his place before closing it, and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. He settled under the covers, turning on his side and placing the phone on the opposite pillow after switching it to speakerphone. 

"No," Lux huffed. "But, such is life. You don't strike me as the kind of person to have an 'okay' day. You seem as if your excessive use of exclamation marks would somehow come across in your daily life."

Rhys laughed. "You're never going to let me live that down?"

"I've considered it. However, you're a repeat offender." 

"Okay," Rhys launched into a defense, "but excitement is contagious!" 

"I've been working on this book for the past 11 months. Excitement? We don't know her anymore."

"I've heard that can happen with authors–losing interest in their stories. Maybe that's why you're struggling with productivity."

"Hmm, perhaps you're right."

Rhys went through periods of intense interest in a hobby only for the passion to become extinguished overnight. He had ways of overcoming the slump and shared his favorite. "Focus on doing something you really enjoy right now. The motivation will come back. I'm sure the deadlines are flexible. I've heard your editor is a pushover where you're concerned."

"Stupid of him, if you ask me," Lux joked. 

"Oh yeah? Why?" 

"I always get my way." 

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