Life of a Malfoy ch. 8

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I wanted to be a Gryffindor. I had no intention what so ever to be in the other houses. Gryffindor was where I belonged, I just knew it.

"Can I-?" I began.

"Switch to the House of Gryffindor? It is the sorting hat's descision, as it had originally placed you in the Slytherin," Dumbledore said. He lifted the sorting hat off it's shelf and handed it to me. I looked at the hat for a moment, and placed it on my head. 

The moment was dramatic.

Thousands of thoughts were spinning through my head; I couldn't decide what I was going to say if the hat wouldn't put me in Gryffindor. Beg, perhaps? Or plead with the hat against my own life?

"Gryffindor, your rightful place," the hat simply said. I gingerly took the hat off and handed it back to Dumbledore.

On the inside, every part of my light was shining through. On the outside, I had to hold myself from bursting out into joyous laughter, and singing in melodic rings. All I did was smile.

"If that is all you wish to speak with me about, then you may leave as you wish. Harry, could you please stay with me for a little while longer?" Dumbledore said.

"Thank you, sir," I said. Dumbledore simply nodded.

I stood up, and walked over to the big doors. I opened one before looking back at Harry.

"Password's Dilligrout. Hermione's probably in the Common room, just ask her if you need anything," Harry said.

"Thanks," I said, then smiled, and walked on to the descending staircase.

I stepped off the staircase as it hit the ground and there was a person standing there, about five feet away from the entrance.

"What were you doing up there with Potter?"

"None of your business, Draco," I hissed, through clenched teeth. I started walking away.

"Tell me, right now!" Draco grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me!" I yelped, his fist closing tightly around my arm.

"Tell me why you were in the Headmaster's office with Potter!" He demanded.

"I'm not going to tell y-" I stopped off mid sentance as I was struck across the face with the back of a hand. I shook Draco's arm off as I ran off, leaving him standing there. I ran up as fast as I could to the Gryffindor Common Room, with my cheek red and stinging. I walked up to the Fat Lady.

"D-Dilligrout," I said, my voice trembling and my cheek burning. The portrait door swung open.

I was shaking as I entered. The common room was deserted, except for two heads sticking out of chairs. One of the heads popped over their chair.

"Who's there?" Ron Weasley said.

"It's-It's me," I said.

"What're you doing here?" Hermione's head popped up as she spoke. She was holding a quill in her hand and her hair was tucked behind her ear. "Not to be rude or anything.." she added.

"It's- it's okay.. I switched houses.." I said.

"How'd you switch houses?" Ron gaped.

"Dumbledore told me I could switch. Harry's with Dumbledore in Dumbledore's office.." I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch, trying to ignore Hermione's stares. She wouldn't see where he hit me, she couldn't possibly notice. I started playing with the tassels on the pillow.

"Why is your face all red?" Hermione asked.

"Well..." I didn't know what to tell them, and I didn't want to lie. I bit my lip. Should I tell them? "Draco hit me."

"I thought he was your brother?" Ron asked.

"I thought he was too..." I muttered under my breath, completley inaudible.

"What?" Ron said.

"Nothing.." I whispered.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other for a second, then the door opened behind us. Harry walked through. He came over and sat next to me on the couch. He looked at me and let out a little gasp.

"What, what happened?" he said, obviously seeing the mark on my cheek. 

"After I left, Draco saw me come out of Dumbledore's office.. And, and he hit me.." I said.

"Bloody prick, I could kill him for that!"

"Shhhhh.... Dont wake up the whole common room," I whispered.

"Sorry.." Harry said.

"It's okay.. I just want to figure out what the sorting hat said," I told him.

"What did the sorting hat say?" Ron asked.

I looked at him.

"Sorry.." He said, and loked down at his feet.

"No, it's-" I started.

"Ron, Dria will tell us if she wants to tell us," Hermione said, and looked at me. "But you will tell us, right Dria?"

Something made me feel snappy, so I snapped.

"That's the ugliest nickname I could have ever given myself. Stop calling me that." 

"Why don't you want to be called... You know?" Harry said,.

"Because, that's the name he gave me." Ron's face looked bewildered. "No, not Voldemort." Ron flinched. "It's the name Malfoy gave me, happy?"

"But then what else should we call you?" Hermione asked.

"Lexi? Alexa? Alexis?" I named off.

"Those names dont fit you," Harry told me. "How about Lexa?"

"I could get used to that.." I said, pretending to look at the stars through the ceiling.

And so Lexa it was.


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♫ becca ♥

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