-Editors Note-

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If this is your first time coming across Books, welcome to the page. The books are written by swatisandeep. I am, the editor Aaradhna_Sahoo. The page is managed by me. The author does not check Wattpad.

A big shout out to rahasoha112  for suggesting a subplot that helped develop the series. 

All the books you read here are UNEDITED drafts, meaning you will find a lot of errors, grammatical mistakes, name mismatches, and a few other discrepancies. If you are a perfectionist, please stop reading here and check out the error-proof Kindle version.

The book is here for one purpose. Feedback.

What is feedback?

It is a comment left on the book that helps to develop the story better.

Snide comments, fan-wars, biased comments, comments indented to hurt a fellow reader or demean sentiments are not feedback. Such comments are not welcome.

Under no circumstances will any reader gang up and try to demean a fellow reader. If you are not happy with the comments section, please skip the story. 

Readers are free to engage in discussions as long as a fellow readers sentiments are not getting hurt. If a fellow reader raises a complaint, we will take it seriously and the mute the reader immediately.

The author does not expect you to agree to what she has written. You are free to voice out your opinion, but please remember to courteous. 

Use of unparliamentary language, words that are meant to insult the author or a fellow reader will lead to the user being banned and reported. A screenshot of an abusive message is taken by Wattpad very seriously. There have been several instances of bullying on this page. We have had enough. Bullies are not welcome here.

If you agree to what has been mentioned, please feel free to follow the story, other wise please turn away with respect. No hard feelings what so ever. Let us live in peace.

The book will remain for a few days only. Once feedback is collected the book will be pulled back from the forum and published on Kindle. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can check it any time you want.

Lastly a word of CAUTION.

This book contains mention of sexual abuse and touches many sensitive topics. Though there is no explicit description of any sexual activity, the book can prove traumatic to certain audience. It deals with the trauma of a survivor, not a victim. That is the only reason why the book is not being marked mature. We had a word with Wattpad representative and we agree that nothing in the book violates Wattpad terms and conditions. Still if you are sensitive, do not read. No unkind comments will be tolerated. 

Have a great day or Night.

Anytime you are reading!


Editor Swati Sandeep Books

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