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Hey :)

So, as many of you probably already know, I'm going to end and discontinue the story here.
I've been working on it since 2021 (damn I'm old-), but in the last few months and years I've clearly lost motivation for it, partly due to the loss of interest and partly due to all the scandals and accusations regarding the content creators.
I don't want to say that all scandals have always been justified or true, but it's a fact that they have always stressed me out a lot, and I'm just disappointed with every new scandal, whether they're true or not.

Here is a short explanation of the planned story plots, which obviously will no longer come to fruition:

In the story, Ranboo was the one who let the Hawk out.
He stole Dream's cell phone while Dream was busy with George and sent these messages to the guards to lure them away before letting the Hawk out and giving James the injection.
The Hawk was Ranboo's uncle all along and manipulated him and made him secretly work for him and also kill for him, which mentally took a lot out of him and traumatized him
(which you can see in this one "weird" chapter 41 when he completely goes crazy and talks about blood, heartbeats and a certain *him*. that was Ranboo, and an insight into his traumatic everyday life with his uncle).
I've been foreshadowing this for a while and I've been laughing at the comments that actually guessed right about Ranboo XD

Wilbur found out relatively quickly that Ranboo was in contact with his uncle, and so he tried to keep the whole thing a secret from Dream and the others to protect Ranboo.
The Hawk then kidnapped and physically harmed and tortured Ranboo after the time skip to get the information he needed to kidnap, harm and murder George again as revenge against Dream.
He threatened Ranboo with murdering his best friends, Tommy and Tubbo, if he didn't help him go through with the whole thing, which is why he ended up passing on the information.
He then kept Ranboo with him for a few more days and tortured and wounded him for past mistakes in his behavior. In the meantime, on the one morning described in the story here, Dream was on his way to get the engagement ring for George so that he can propose to him soon.

While he is on the road, George is kidnapped, as described in the story.

Afterwards, Sapnap drives to Dream's house in a panic as he finally reaches Dream, who then freaks out after seeing his boyfriend's panicked messages and having a semi-mental breakdown about leaving him alone.
Of course, it wouldn't be one of MY stories if he didn't immediately blame himself.
That's why he does exactly that and feels incredibly bad, even though he couldn't really do anything.
Sap calms him back down and assures him that everything will be okay and that they will find him and save him.

George then wakes up after a few hours chained to a wall in a room - confused, with a headache and feeling hungover.
After a few moments he remembers what happened and panics, has a panic attack and can only begin to calm down again after a while.
The Hawk then tries to do something to him after a few hours when he comes to him and he body-shames him violently and insults him, trying to weaken his self-esteem to get to him better, but George stays strong.
Full on Alpha move right there folks.
The Hawk is pissed off, leaves, and then some people come in and break George's legs with baseball bats.
Not so Alpha anymore.
George isn't being brought food the entire time he's there so he becomes weaker and unable to defend himself, but he tries anyway every time - all he thinks about is Dream and he knows he'll save him and that his strength is extremely important at this moment so that his mental health doesn't go back to the level it was a few years ago.
He does not want that.
He hears the screams of other people in the building every night. One of them is Ranboo while his uncle wounds him.

After a few days, Ranboo is released from his torture there and immediately runs back to the headquarters, to Dream, to confess everything to him.
He saw and heard George while he was there. He can't live with himself, knowing that George'll be murdered there very soon and Dream won't be able to help him.

safe with me - dnf mafia au (english)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora