Chapter 10: Stepping Stones

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"Tell me more about this Ainz Ooal Gown." A lavishly youthful male voice spoke out, commanding the attention of all within the room. Yet instead of naivety, it spoke of great experience and intelligence.

"Our latest report says he has begun an open conflict with the kingdom, stating that all land near E-Rantel shall be given into his custody." After the emperor's advisor spoke, small laughter followed from behind. A man in full-plated black armor with blonde hair, somewhere in his mid-thirties.

"If you ask me, this is nothing more than a joke made by a jester!" The laughter persisted, infectious enough to entice a chuckle even from a somewhat younger Knight sitting beside him.

"With that, I have to agree." Nimble interjected, restraining his amusement before the Emperor. Never before had he heard of an individual laying claim to a kingdom, especially someone who was a nobody.

"I know that much, but I want to know more about this person. Who is this Ainz Ooal Gown? From where did he come? Why does he do this? What reason does he have?" Again he questioned the advisor standing before him in those elegant halls of the Imperial Palace of the Baharut empire.

"Your Imperial Majesty, there is not much known, only that he saved the Warrior Captain from certain death and a village from getting slaughtered by what seemed to be some unknown troops posing as our knights. That is all which our spies could gather." Confessed the advisor, admitting defeat in his search for more information. Surprisingly, the Emperor seemed calm, contrary to Vermillion's anticipation.

"Mmh, a strange phenomenon considering nothing comes out of that area except that it's the traditional place for the empire and the kingdom to clash. But we can use this to our advantage. We only have to wait out what will happen next." The Bloody Emperor replied, somewhat raised from his bored attitude. Still, the knights posing as his own, a plot to shift blame for the Warrior Captain's demise onto the empire, had been thwarted by Ainz's intervention.

"But that is not all. The reports say that the envoy sent by Ainz Ooal Gown was guarded by strange knights riding on even stranger horses. Every person near them could feel some dread, horror even. No regular knight could do that." The Scribe continued, telling more reports from what his spies gathered. Though skeptical, he couldn't dismiss the credibility of multiple witnesses.

"Maybe they just dressed extra dark?" Baziwood jested, downplaying the significance of these knights.

"Is that going to be your guess? I believe these to be mercenaries hired by that magic caster." Nimble said to the strongest Imperial Knight, who seemed little moved by the question.

"You don't have to be all that stiff, you know?" Baziwood tempted the noble-turned Imperial Knight. For him, a little competition was always a great way to have fun in his position.

"Isn't it etiquette? You should at least try." Nimble countered, well-versed in courtesies due to his noble background before ascending to the rank of Imperial Knight.

"Nah, I prefer to focus on combat and guarding instead of following courtesies." And he was right Courtesy aside, Baziwood's perspective aligned with the needs of the Empire. And in doing so earning him the Emperor's utmost trust.

"Enough with the chatter, you two. Vermillion, I want all upcoming information about this Ainz brought to me. Nimble, I was hoping you could prepare the frontier for the annual war on the Katze Plains and make them attack sooner. I have a feeling this time, it will be different. Prepare to leave tomorrow."

"As you command. But, I have a question, if I may ask?" Nimble sought permission, granted by a casual wave of the Emperor's hand. "Why continue this tradition? It hasn't led to the empire's victory in a very long time. Shouldn't we at least try new ways to invade the kingdom?" Nimble's proposition was somewhat logical, though not one unexplored by the Emperor.

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