Chapter Eight: You Make Me Go Bananas

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It was now the following morning after everything had unfolded. DrRetro would wake up and sit up from the couch while rubbing her eyes. As she got up and did some stretches she would see fleshcousin continuously walking into a wall, the usual fleshcousin activity. She'd go to the master bedroom and creak the door open to see Split and Bive peacefully cuddling each other, Bive still in her red dress.

She would consider waiting until they woke up so she could get her dress back but she would Quickly brush it off.

"Meeowmew mew mrow" (my work here is done)

And with that, DrRetro would gather her things and head out the door, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

Split would slowly eventually wake up with Bive still gently wrapped up in her arms sleeping peacefully. Her tail was going nuts and she was still blushing lightly.

Split would lay there for a while, savoring the moment as she stared down at the love of her life.

Bive would eventually wake up and stare up at Split while more blood rushed up to her face.

"Good morning"

"Uhh g-good morning..."

"Your so cute I could just eat you up"

"What?! Are you a cannibal?! WAS THIS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG?!"

"No no that was just another one of my jokes! I could never trick you like that"

Bive would continue to squirm in Split arms. Split would sigh before gently placing a kiss on Bive's cheek causing her to immediately calm down and lay her head back down on Split's chest while she started stroking her hair.


"Ugh not fair, you know I'm weak to kisses..."

"And you bet I'm gonna abuse that as much as possible"

Bive would grumble a bit before getting out of bed and putting on her spectacles before handing Split hers.

As Split fixed herself up in the bathroom Bive would simply change into her brown trench coat before heading into the kitchen and fixing herself a cup of coffee.

By the time Split exited the bathroom and entered the kitchen Bive was already on her 3rd cup of coffee.

"Do you happen to have anything other than coffee in here?"

"Why would I? Coffee is the only thing I need to keep my heart running!"

"So is that a no...?"

Bive would nod.

"Maybe we could go get something to eat somewhere like Denny's"

"Do they sell coffee?"

"I think so I haven't been there in a while-

After hearing that Bive would immediately set her mug down and take Splits hand

"Well good enough for me!"

"You really are something Bivey"

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?"


As they walked out the door Split could start to feel herself getting giddy at the thought of having breakfast with Bive.

As the two got into Splits car and drove to the Denny's they would find themselves stuck in traffic. Split would look back at Bive who was fiddling with her fingers, being paranoid as usual. She would begin to daydream doing things with Bive. Very intimate things. However she'd quickly snap back to reality as the light turned green.

split x bive fanfiction or something idk (spive)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu