twenty three

60 0 0

summer break'

i woke up around 5 feeling a heavy body next to me in my bed. and when i turned i seen duke. i wish he would just leave me alone.

duke - good afternoon sleepy head.
cat - uh hi. i said shakily.
duke - don't be scared baby im not gon hurt you, only if you won't tempt me. he said quietly.
cat - okay.
duke - i need you to do some things for me. he said getting up from my bed
cat - like what? i sat up
duke - i need you to pack up all your stuff and your clothes because you're staying with me for a while. and im going to need your phone and all your devices because no one can know where you are. do you understand me?
cat - what? i said confused.
duke - i said do you unde-

trigger warning.

cat - no i can't do that. i have friends and a fucking boyfriend. they're going to try to find me. i can't do this duke you're going too far.
duke - you'll do what i say or you'll lose your life, now do you understand me? he choked me hard.
cat - i understand. i cried silently.
duke - now grab your stuff i'll be in the hallway. he walked out.

i sighed and grabbed all my clothes and items out of my closet and bathroom and packed them into 3 different bags. i cried and cried as i was doing all this. i closed my door and met him out in the hallway. he took me to his car and slammed the door as i got in. i cried silently so he wouldn't hear and i soon dozed off to sleep. i woke up and we arrived at a big ass mansion with cars parked in the driveway. who was duke? was he just a college student who streams or was he someone else? i was interrupted by my thoughts when the car stopped. the next thing i knew i looked on the gps and we were in vegas. las vegas, nevada.

duke - cmon get up.
cat - okay. i quickly got up.
duke - get your stuff and wait for me.
cat - alright. i grabbed my stuff out the trunk and nervously waited for him.
duke - okay let's go.

he led me into the house and when he opened the door there were stairs, a big kitchen with maids and a chef. he led me upstairs and there were chandeliers in each hallway. he then led me into a room painted light pink with a bed that had white sheets and white covers. a huge tv and a big bathroom.

cat - i wanna go home. how long am i staying here. i sniffed
duke - you're not going back home. you'll stay here however long i want you to stay here.
cat - why are you doing this? what did i do? my voice cracked.
duke - because i need someone to marry. he blurted
cat - what? why me?
duke - i don't have to explain shit to you. now lay down and try to go to sleep. you'll stay in here and you'll only come out when i need you or to eat.
cat - okay. i looked down.
duke - look, you'll get to come out and go places with me when i can fully trust you. right now i can't. he lifted my chin.
cat - but you took my phone. where would i go? or who would i call?
duke - ill think about it.
cat - im hungry. i said softly
duke - i can get you something to eat or i can have my maids make you something. which one do you want?
cat - wingstop? please?
duke - okay. he pulled out his phone
cat - thank you.
duke - pick what you want and order it. he said watching me.

i was mad that be didn't walk out so i could text someone to come get me. i just have to make due with this for a while because i couldn't escape for a while.
he walked out and i waited and watched some tv for a bit. after 30 mins, i finally got my food and ate.

duke - how's your food? he said walking in.
cat - it's good. i said stuffing my face
duke - mm good. he laughed and sat on the bed
you know you're gonna have to get used to this right? because you're permanently in vegas, no taking trips to florida, no going back to la either.
cat - i know duke. im trying not to think ab it
duke - good because i-
cat - who are you? i cut him off
duke - what do you mean?
cat - i thought you were just a college streamer but you have a whole mansion with servants and a personal chef.
duke - i live a double life. in la, im a college student. but in vegas, im a hustler. i drug deal.
cat - why?
duke - to make money.
cat - i see. i laid down and looked at the ceiling.
duke - ill let you rest. he said walking out.

i was too tired of waking up and going back to sleep. hopefully i can actually get some sleep.

a/n - hmmm

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