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All the pictures below belongs to their rightful owner:
Y/N pov:

He is too close , my heart started racing, i am having a panic Attack. Before my mind could process any further he rested his head on my shoulder. Making my breathe stop.

" I a-m sor-ry Tae ~~~ i kn--ow I sho-uld treat you be-tter " his soft breaths were touching my neck, i was frozen in my place . I didn't even had the strength to push him away and run.

He slide his hand over my arm and placed something on my palm and close it. I gulped as it was getting hard for me to breathe properly. I was feeling dizzy, my chest was tightening. Soon i was gasping for air.

Before i could faint, he slowly lifted his head and cupped my face while looking straight in my eyes with his droopy ones.

"Ca-lm D-own, Tae" he smiled and pat my shoulder with his one hand , while keeping the other on my cheek. " Y-ou did Gate. " He slurred a little but still his words were clear.

My mom used to pat my shoulder , whenever i felt sad , lonely or miserable but after her nobody , not even Sara did that to me. Tears gathered in my eyes and miraculously my breathing was going back to normal. How can a stranger have this much impact on me just in two meetings.

I finally had the strength to push him a little, he stumbled back, as i quickly exited his apartment. The moment i got out it was all black.

Time skip:

" So that's your explanation of why you were laying on the corridor Infront of your apartment. " I nodded as sara handed me a cup of water.

" I fainted the moment i left his apartment. " She sighed.

" So now you know his , gf or bf's name but still no clue on his ? Right ?"Sara said as he looked at me as she extended her hand.

" You said you took a photo? So show me , so i don't conclude that you are getting crazier . " I opened my photo gallery and clicked on the photo. It turned out way better than i expected.

" Woah , he is Ho- Cute

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" Woah , he is Ho- Cute. " Sara mentioned as he zoomed the photo. " Are you sure he lives next door? And you didn't took this photo from Google or Pinterest? "

" What's Pinterest? " I asked

" Nothing, just tell me did you Google a guy's photo ? " She is still suspecting me.

" No , if i took it from google , why  would i took a sleeping one . " .

" To match your story, well why don't we confirm, go and ask sugar from your neighbor." She placed her hand in her hip.I pointed my finger on myself.

" Yes you.  Get up " she tried to make me standup.

" He won't be at home,he leaves around 7 am in the morning and comes back around 12 am,he only comes late on Saturday. Sundays are no different, so he'll probably be back by 12 am." I calmly said and Sara's eyes grew bigger. " Wait why how do you know his routine? . Park Y/N are stalking this guy.. " she asked making me bit my lips.

My Escort boyfriend (KIM TAEHYUNG FF)Where stories live. Discover now