Chapter 4.5 Escaping The Forest.

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Real Quick Update Guys, Parts Will Come Out Slower As I Wanna Have Fun With This Story.

 Who Knows Maybe One Day If I Learn Sprite Animation I Might Re-Make This Into Something Watchable Like A Comic But i Doubt That Will Happen, Anyways That's It Enjoy!

Frisk: "So Chara Right, I Wanna Ask A Quick Question."

Chara: "Ask Away."

Frisk: "How Come I Can See You, But People Like Ben Or Toriel Can't?"

Chara: "Well Frisk I'll Try To Explain This In A Simple Way, So You Know About SOULS Right?"

Frisk: "Well I Dont Know Alot About Souls, They ."

Chara: "Well SOULS Are Like Our Life But There's A Key Thing. SOUL Traits..."

Frisk: "Soul Traits?"

Chara: "Soul Traits Our What Our Body Thinks Our Most Strong Feeling Is Theres Alot Of Them Some Are Strong For Example Justice, Bravery And Kindness, But We Have A Rare Trait That Very Few People Have."

Frisk: "What Is It?"

Chara: "No-one Really Knows But I Think Monsters Called It DETERMINATION. But You Have So Much You Can Come Back To Life But I Couldn't"

Frisk: "Wow... That's What I Use Those Stars For, Anyways That Doesn't Explain Why I Can See You."

Chara: "Ah Yes Sorry, I Forgot To Explain Why, Its Because Your Determination Is So Strong It Brought My Spirit Back From Death And I Think I'm Apart Of Your Soul Now."

Frisk: "I Did That?!?!"

Chara: "Yes I Was Confused Too. But Anyway You And Ben Should Keep Moving Before More Monsters Show Up."

Frisk: "Oh Shoot, Your Right!"

Frisk Runs Off To Meet Up With Ben Up Ahead.

Ben: "Hey Frisk. You Ready To Continue?"

Frisk: "Yeah I Just Needed A Second."

Ben: "Good! Cause Those Those Skeletons Are Up Ahead."

Frisk: "Alright Lets Do This..."

Papyrus: "Your So Lazy Sans!!! You Where Napping All Night!"

sans: "uh i think that's called sleeping."

Papyrus: "Excuses Excuses!" 

Papyrus Notices The Humans

Papyrus: "Oh Ho Ho! The Humans Arrive. In Order To Stop You Me And My Brother Created Some Puzzles!"


Papyrus: "But Alas, I Wasn't Planning On Having Two Humans Do Any Of The Puzzles So Only One Of You Can Do It!"

Frisk: "Umm I can-"

Ben: "I'll Do It!"

Papyrus: "Alright Then! I Think You Will Find This One Quite SHOCKING!!!"

Ben: "(Oh Boy...)

Papyrus: "For You See, This Is The Invisible Electricity Maze!!! When You Touch The Walls Of This Maze, This Orb Will Administer A Hearty Zap!" 

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