Elsewhere and Elsewhen

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Luz's room included a bulletin board describing the gateway and Titan blood. She had been attempting to find out what happened since their last attempt. She had even begun writing notebooks, much like Phillip Wittebane. She placed a book on a stack and began reading it. She flipped a page, her gaze drawn to the echo mouse that was running on its wheel. She groaned heavily as there were no answers.

"You and me both, buddy. I can't figure out what Bijou and I messed up when we made that ding-dang door!" She flinched as she heard clicking.

Gwen, Eda, Bijou, Morton, Steve, King, Hooty, Hazel, Tinella Nosa, and a woman were all wearing hats as they gathered for a party.

"It is so nice to be surrounded by all of Lulu's dearest friends!" He exclaimed to the group, everyone save Lilith looking pleased. Lilith had a new dress, and the ends of her hair began to seem fluffier, just like when she was young.

"Yeah!" Steve pumped his fists. "All hail, Lulu!"

She gave him a confused look.

"We're here to celebrate the new assistant curator at the Supernatural Museum of History. Here's to you, Lulu!"

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses, and Lilith gave a fake smile.

Luz came over to Hooty, the host, after peeking into the room while everyone was conversing.

"Hooty! Did I miss the toast?"

"Yes," he said, turning to her after giving Steve something from a dish. "But not the app-pellet-tizers!"

The appetizers were...not good, to say the least, and one of them was still moving.

"You want a-There's an extra one." He began coughing one up, and she flinched in surprise, holding up her hands.

"No, that's fine. Where is Lilith? We wanna congratulate her!" Luz held up the echo mouse hidden beneath her party hat.

A whip seized an appetizer, and Luz and Bijou looked outdoors, where the appetizer had been caught in a hand. 

"Oh, I wish I could stay longer," the previous woman said, looking at the appetizer between her fingers. "But I must be off on my next adventure."

She then tossed it away, and the two noticed the woman talking to Lilith.

"It's such a delight to see my little bookworm back in the historical world after all these years!"

"Oh, thank you, Flora," Lilith said with a sad smile, glancing away. "But it's just a small job. Only an assistant. I'm surprised you even heard about this."

"The Emperor wanted to make sure you weren't getting into any trouble," Flora stated. "And clear out your office. I left a box of your knickknacks inside. Wish you took more from my tutelage, dear. History's supposed to be exciting after all!"

She took out her whip, the end of which was shaped like a monkey, and hurled it. She grabbed a griffin and brought it down in front of her. She cracked the whip again as she flipped and landed on it. She shot out into the sky, Lilith stared behind her.

"Who was that?" Luz inquired, as she and Bijou approached her.

"Flora D'esplora, bad girl historian, celebrity, and my former mentor in the Emperor's Coven," She clenched her fist and frowned profoundly.

"I have questions about that name," Luz said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"And that whip doesn't seem like the best choice either..." Bijou stroked her chin.

"I have questions about my LIFE!" Lilith whirled around to face them, and the older sister startled, backing back slightly. "All I ever got to do was desk work while she goofed off riding wild snake horses-"

🎀 Bijou The Ascended (Part 2) 🎀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora