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"yo people" tobi says as he sees chat being filled up with greats
"today we're reacting to danny aarons ten things i can't live without,i think?"

danny does his intro while tobi looks through chat,then goes back to watching the video

"this is my boxing bag,which i take with me to the training" danny says as he's looking into a camera "because i'm a profesional boxer" tobi paused the video and laughs

"nah that was a violation,i'm sorry" he said as he's continues to watch the video

danny then begins to take things out of his bag and explains for what he use those things

"is the boxing bag the whole vid?" tobi asked looking confused,as danny goes to grab the final thing from his bag,tobi says "bro there's at least seven things in that bag"

as danny explains for what he uses those pink hand wraps "i actually like pink i can't lie" he says as he looks through the chat

"finally a new thing" tobi says as danny goes to grab next product "what is that? an aftershave?" he asks trying to see what is the next product

as danny explains how he puts his aftershave,tobi pauses the video "i do a lot more spraying,that's why i always smell so good" he says while laughing

producer then asks danny who smells the best out of all of the boys,"tobi for sure,i can smell him miles away" danny says smiling at the camera

video was paused due to tobi jumping around and yelling "AYE! see what i mean,thank you danny,my boy"

next product is brought up "are those proteins?" he asks confused

danny then tells the audience how much of caffeine he drinks in a day "FOUR HUNDRED GRAMS OF CAFFEINE IN A DAY?!" he yells "DANNY ARE YOU GOOD IN THE HEAD?!"

danny continues to talk about proteins as tobi helds his head with both of his hands,sighs and asks "how's he not dead yet bro?"

"guys this stuff is very dangerous,please don't listen to danny" he shakes his head while talking

as products went by,danny takes his headphones and says "i don't actually listen to music"

"how can you not listen to music? if i could i'd listen to it 24/7" he says while unpausing the video

"chat,what's better headphones or airpods?" he asks looking at the chat "for me deffo airpods"

danny then explains how he just pretends to listen to music while his in the gym "what?" tobi asks confused "if you do all of that,just put some music on"

tobi continues to watch the video as tennessee sits in danny's lap," i need a girlfriend asap"

"who are your people you can't live without?" danny asks as he looks at tenn

"obviously my mum,i love my mum,she's my queen" tenn says as thinking 'bout other people "probably chloe,kaci and MY GIRL TARA,and then you i guess" tenn says trying not to laugh

tobi then pauses the video to ask "chat,i only know kaci,are other girls also into youtube" "yes?" he says looking trough chat

"what do you mean you guess?" danny says while pretending to be hurt "go on then call tara,let's see if she answers"

"alright" tenn says while dialing the number "it's ringing,HI GIRL" tenn says excited

"hey girlfriend" tara says while setting her phone down so she can continue to make pancakes

danny then says "scuse me but tenn is my girlfriend" "oh piss of danny,we both know she's mine" tara says as she flips him off

tobi pauses the video and starts grinning "YO CHAT WHAT'S HER IG?" "she's so beautiful" he admires her trough the screen

"SHE'S BEAUTIFUL,I NEED HER IG" he yells as her instagram filled up his chat

"tjovanovich? how'd you pronounce that? he takes his phone to quickly search her up

"is she russian?" being confused by her last name,he then looks at the chat "she's montenegrin? wow okay"

"is this her?" he shows his phone to the camera "yes? okay i'm going to follow her"

"bro she has serious numbers" tobi says while looking trough her pics and highlights "how didn't i know 'bout her?"

"AH SHE FOLLOWED ME BACK AH" he yells and jumps around his room,he then sits down "okay,let me chill" he starts taking big breaths

"what am i going to do?" "nothing am i crazy? it's to early for that" he places his phone down

"that doesn't mean i'm not going to" he winks and laughs "tennessee thank you for this"

vladana speaking......
so this is the first chapter
788 words i love this already
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JUST A CRUSH,tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now