12. Soft Kisses , An unknown face

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As the wave of orgasm washes out,

Realisation of what I did, hits me with a thud.





Courses through my whole body. These emotions feel like a tightening grip around my heart, squeezing its muscles with remorse. A veneer of self consciousness and vulnerability suffocates me.

I did that again.

I committed the same mistake again.

I feel so angry over myself. It is like I am being caged within a whirwind of self disappointment.

Sensing my vulnerability, He pulls me closer to his chest and wraps his arms tighter around me.

And a violent sob wrecks through me. I feel so confused and guilty of my actions.

Hiding my face into his chest I bawl my eyes out. A raw and visceral expression of mental disarray wanders through my mind creating a dense fog of lack of understanding. I try to grapple with my own disoriented emotions, struggling with my own scattered feelings.

"Ssshhhh, Why are you crying ?" His voice laced with untamed affection , The worry in his tone makes my sobs more intense.

" Look at me, tell me what happened?" He holds my neck and moves the curtain of hair from my face. His fingers caressing over my sensitive skin, emoting a strange sense of proximity and close connection

" Did I hurt you? Was I too rough? " He looks so concerned which makes me more embarassed.

I clutch his shirt tighter and nuzzle more into his brawny chest . I am gasping for air amidst the torrent of emotions twirling inside the depths of my mind.

My tears are soaking his shirt.

" You are making me go insane " He grunts and tugs onto my hair forcing me to look at him

He lifts me up a little and pulls me closer wrapping one hand around my waist another on my nape.

" What's wrong? What's the reason behind those tears? Hmm " He starts peppering soft gentle kisses all over my jaw, hollow of my throat, my earlobes.

They are so tender and intimate like

a gentle whisper of fondness,

a soft dance of affection ,

a oozy rhythm of passion.

I don't know why but more tears spill out of my eyes, I can't stop them.

What's wrong with me!

I'm guilty and embarassed of my own deeds but at the same time the way he is treating my body makes me feel butterflies all over.

He envelopes me in the cocoon of his comfort and safety, building a steady nest of security and warmth between me and the world

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