05 | Kitchen Tool

59 12 75

For a man held at gunpoint, he doesn't seem appropriately concerned. Maybe he thinks I won't do it.

"Get up." My voice is steadier now that I have the upperhand. Now that the fear and shock has left my body, I'm pissed. I follow him up from the seat, the barrel of the blaster not leaving his stomach for a second.

"Waiter!" Elias raises his hand, calling over one of the servers. Quickly, I slide the gun overneath his jacket to conceal it. I jab it into his side, and he lets out a sharp oof.

"Don't even think about it. I'll shoot you dead in front of everyone. They'll drag me out of here in handcuffs, but you'll be dragged out in a body bag."

He turns his head around slowly to look at me with mock indigence on his face. The waiter arrives at our table, waiting expectantly. I'm about to tell the server to scram, but Elias speaks before I can.

"Have these all packed and sent to Nova Heights room 1451. Thanks. We'll pay with room-charge. Take 20% for yourself."

The server taps a few buttons on her tablet, then nods, bidding us a good night. His eyes linger on where we're practically joined at the hip. From an outside perspective, I probably look like a possessive girlfriend unable to let go of my boyfriend.

"How do you know where I live?" My finger aches to pull the trigger, my desire to see him dead is nye overwhelming. "And did you just charge the bill to my room?"

"Give me your contact information and I'll reimburse you."

Is he... trying to be funny?

I kick him in the shin. Hard. My foot meets hard steel and I yelp, nearly losing grip of the blaster. His chuckle nearly sends me over the edge, and I grab him by the ear, dragging him out of the club.

"Yes. Laugh. I hope that was funny enough to last you an entire lifetime of laughter."

He doesn't reply, and I'm thankful for it. I swear to the heavens, if he says another word, I'll throw him onto the ground and put holes into him until he resembles swiss cheese. Consequences be damned, I'd gladly spend the rest of my life behind bars.

My face is still flaming hot from what I had to do to get the blaster. I should feel disgusted with myself, but I don't. And that makes me murderous. Murderous is fine. Murderous is exactly what I have to be now.

No one gives us a second glance as we enter the hotel and up the elevator to my room. With my arms wrapped around his neck and under his jacket, I imagine we look like any other passionate couple.

The hallway to my room is empty, thankfully. I nearly trip over the several boxes placed outside my door, trying to use my keycard. Elias raises an eyebrow.

"Online shopping addiction?"

"Shut the fuck up." I push the door open, then shove him in. I kick the door closed behind me, raising the gun to his head while I back him into my room. "Get on the bed."

I look around my room, and decide there's really no better place to put him. Still keeping my blaster trained on him, I kick several of the countless boxes littering my floor until I find what I'm looking for.

It takes longer than I expect to handcuff all his limbs to the bed while keeping him at gunpoint. He doesn't try to fight me. All he does is stare. Stare and stare and stare.

When I'm done, he lets out a slow amused breath.

"At least buy me dinner first-"

I fire the blaster into his leg, leaving a huge hole in his thigh and bed. Smoke comes out of sheets and his leg, wires crackling.

ArtificialTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon