Chapter 22- Horcrux

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It had been two days since the death eater attack and all was going moderately well . I was still highly annoyed about my wand but I realised there was nothing I could do about it.

I saw Hermione looking at the ground confused .

"What's up " I said as I walked towards her.

"Can you see that " she whispered as she pointed to the ground .

I stared in awe , on the ground lay a silver sword which sparkled in the suns rays . A large diamond shaped ruby lay at the handle .

"The sword of Griffindor " I whispered .

Hermione bent down to touch it . A breeze blew past and messed up her hair .

"Quick , put it in your bag . It might come in useful . The sword only appears to Griffindor's when there in need" I said hurriedly

Hermione nodded and place it in her bag.

"I'd better go get started on dinner" she said with a smile .

I nodded and watched as she left .

I kicked the leaves beneath my feet as I wandered around the forest. I saw Harry sat next to a large oak tree so decided to go up to him.

"Hi harry" I said softly .

"Hi Arabella " he said , clearly lost in thought .

"What are you thinking about ?" I said eagerly as I sat down next to him

"Well , remember the time I asked you if you knew what a Horcrux was. Well I know what they are now and I need to find them , but the thing is I don't know where to find them or how to ." He said annoyed with a big sigh .

"I wish I could help you but I'm afraid I have no idea " I said equally annoyed .

Harry shrugged and stood up .

"Thanks anyway " he said as he walked back to the tent .

I sat down and watched the wildlife before me. Birds and small creatures scurried around . It reminded me of the woods outside the manor . I missed my family and felt immense guilt for leaving them . I wondered how Draco was doing and how mad my father would be. I longed to cuddle my mother and tell her how sorry I was .

I lost track of time and soon it was almost dark . I walked to the tent and sat down at the wooden table . Harry and Ron were bickering fairly viciously .

" I don't know " shouted Harry

"Then how am I expected to help you" said Ron , highly frustrated

Hermione shushed them up and poured a soup of some kind into a bowl.

"Have this Bella  " she said smiling at me as she passed me a bowl of soup.

"Thanks Hermione " I said returning the smile

I ate my soup quietly and talked occasionally to Hermione .

Suddenly Harry dropped his spoon and placed both his hand on his scar .

"Agh" he shouted as he clenched his fists

"What is it Harry " Hermione blurted out as she ran to his side .

"I-it's Voldemort " Harry said as he closed his eyes shut .

"Harry you mustn't let him in , we've talked about this " Hermione shouted whilst shaking him

I got up and grabbed a small towel . I ran outside of the tent to the stream and dipped it in . Once it was submerged in water I ran back inside and placed it on Harry's forehead . He was now sat down against the bunk beds and breathing heavily.

Ron looked very worried and checked his temperature .

"Don't worry Harry , it's just us " Ron whispered as he held Harry's hand.

All of a sudden Harry sat up and opened his eyes wide . He breathed heavily and rubbed his forehead .

"The necklace " he mumbled .

"What ?" I said confused "Harry are you alright "

He looked at me and nodded

"You have an amber necklace don't you " he said looking at me directly in the eye .

I just looked at him in shock and confusion

"It's a Horcrux , we need to destroy it " he said as he stood up.

"How do you—" I was cut off by Harry .

"I saw Voldemort and an image of an amber necklace kept on appearing and you were holding it " he said calmly , catching his breath back .

"I'll go get it , but I don't know who's it is , I found it in my brothers room but he doesn't wear necklaces " I said as I went to find my bag.

"It's probably Voldemort's " said Ron

"But why would it be at your house " said Hermione looking at me.

I shrugged and pulled out a silver chain attached to an amber necklace .

Harry stared at it as it glowed in the light of the flickering lantern .

"That's it" he whispered.

I handed it to him and he stared at it intensely.

"Ahh" he said as he touched his scar

"Be careful , if it is Voldemort's then you want to destroy it fast" I said softly .

Hermione gasped

"The sword " she said quickly as she hurried to her bag.

"Huh" said Ron confused

" We found the sword of Griffindor earlier " I said with a small smile.

"No way " said Ron excitedly.

I nodded and watched as Hermione knelt down beside me with the sword in her hands .

"Go on Harry" I whispered

Harry swallowed and placed the necklace on the floor . He slowly reached for the sword and held it up high .

"Get back " he said calmly.

We shuffled back and watched intensely.

Hermione and Ron had their wands out ready .

" Remember  Harry, don't let him in " Hermione said softly .

Harry nodded and looked at the necklace . He swung the sword down forcefully and hit the amber locket with full power .

A low scream echoed the tent and a hissing sound screeched angrily . Suddenly a snake shaped cluster of smoke entered the tent and slithered around us . I closed my eyes tight and hugged my knees .

Before long all went back to normal and it was just us four .

I glanced at the others who looked shocked. We caught our breath back and suddenly began to laugh .

" what a night " said Ron

"Yeah " said Harry as he stared at the broken necklace on the floor .

"Let's go to bed" said Hermione with a giggle.

" Well done Harry, night guys " I said as I got into my bunk bed .

I snuggled up under the duvet , still shocked about what just happened .

I closed my eyes and fell straight to sleep .

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