A brand-new world

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Sofia "For 300 years, the technology hasn't changed that much.'"

John "That depends on the type of technology. Some technology has and some hasn't."

Sofia "What technology has changed then?"

John "For example, political technology."

Sofia "Political technology?

John "You know, political systems. Like the dials of a clock, so too are our systems of governance."

Sofia "I wouldn't describe politics and tech. Clock work is not how I would describe parliament."

John "That is because you are from 300 years in the past."

Sofia noticed a flag on the table, "What's that?" she asked.

"That's of my government."

"Don't you mean your country?" She asked.

"Nope, I was born in this country but this country has 3 governments. There are 3 different time zones? Daylight is 24 hours but we measure our days in 30 hours chunks. Our day is slightly out of cycle with the day light and the moon light. Then based on when you sleep is what determines which time zone you in. Each of these time zones have their own government. Due to this, we can operate for 24 hours a day."

"Wow the future is different. I thought that's why you had shift workers and night workers." She replied astonishment."

"But changes shifts involve changing sleep patterns. This isn't good for the health. As for only working at night, to sleep in the day means that you are isolated from society and that isn't good. Not to mention the anti-social behavior all this leads to. No, in our world, we've eliminated this problem."

"How often do you work for then, during these 30 hours?"

"I work for half the year and half the year I don't. Out of the weeks in the future I work half of the 8 day week and of the half days I work, I work for 3.5 hours"

Sofia was in disbelief. She spent most of her days working or traveling to work or by sleeping. How much more would she be able to do with her day if she lived in the future.

Suddenly the door burst open. Men wearing clothing with logos of what appeared to be different companies came into the room.

"You under arrest!" was las the last thing Sofia heard before she was grabbed by the arm and taken by John as he jumped out the window and landed on some kind of electric floating device.

"Why are they chasing us?" Cried Sofia

"I'll explain later. Said John."

"Are you a criminal?"

"Yes and no. It's hard to explain. I am part of the resistance. I want to change society."

"Change society? This world seems perfect. A little out of touch with reality but reality sucks. I'll choose this world any day."

"You don't understand what this world is. I'll explain later.

They reached a tree. John taped the tree and a door in the ground opened.

John "Come, they won't find us here."

Sofia "You know, the funny thing is that I really thought that things would get worse; where people would work more and live poorer."

John "Don't let this world deceive you. This aren't no paradise."

As they entered the tunnel everything changed. The tunnel smelled. There were poor people. Still, they appeared to be better off than the people she knew. Perhaps they had forgotten how bad the past was. One person she passed was speaking a strange language. It then occurred to her that everyone had spoken in her language.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 12 ⏰

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