Something just isn't right

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She takes him by surprise.

"Stop Mr Walker, your machine worked! I've done it. I've seen the future!"

The scientist didn't believe her. He thought that she was some crazy lady. He walked passed her. She felt as if she didn't exist.

"Bloody idiot." she whispered to herself.

In her hands was greatest device known to man, so great that its own creator wouldn't even believe that it was real.

Perhaps, something straight out of science fiction. By turning the dial on the clock, one could change time.

She discovered it a week ago. She was a boring, middle aged lady who wasn't married. In all Honesty, nothing was interesting in her life.

Previously she was cleaner. Then she wanted a change. "So that was why I become a as a bus driver." she thought to herself.

"But life still sucks. Work sucks. Economy sucks." She continued to think as she turned on her radio. Only bad news. The news sucks.

"As the risk increases of a second pandemic, discussions are being hold on whether to increase funding for an emergency response. Here I am speaking to a young mother who is concerned that with the housing crises, and cost of living crises, that funding for her essential services will be cut as a..."

At that moment she turned the radio off. "Look sunshine" she thought to myself "At least you have kids."

The bus had reached its final destination. The 67-seater bus was empty. The 67-seater was almost empty.

"The bus has reached its end!" she shouted at the last customer on the bus.

The young boy looked directly at her with a blank face.

"Look fat kid, get off the bloody bus!"

The boy left. She also got off the bus. Looked for coffee. Waited in line. Looked at Tinder.

"You like a nerd with you glasses, in a good way, like a pretty nerd." She read and was quick to reply "You look like a jerk." and blocked him.

She then paid for a takeaway coffee. The coffee man handed her a card.

"No please, I don't want propaganda or whatever spam you trying to sell me."

The young man replied "It's not propaganda." The young man smiled at him. She saw the man's number on the card.

The card was simple and wrote "Call me."

She blushed and took the card

"Thank you, you so kind." She said.

She rushed to the door. She searched for the trash. She placed the card in the trash. Left and drank her coffee. Still felt tired. Wanted to buy another coffee. Awkwardly looked in the door to see who was selling the coffee. It was still the young man. Walked to the next nearest coffeeshop. Waited in line. Read her messages on her phone.

"Hey Sofia, hope you well. I have bad news. The landlord is increasing the rent to 2500 for the room."

"What?" she replied "That's like 500 Euros more. Is that even legal?"

"Apparently if the land lord lives with you, you don't have any rights."

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it. He told me that if we don't like it, we have a week to pack our stuff and go."

"We have to accept. We won't be able to find nowhere to stay in only a week."

"Fancy sleeping rough lol? But seriously, he says that we can get an extra tenant in the room. So that we still paying 500 per month.

"But that will make us five people in a room. It's not enough space."

"Don't shoot the messenger."

"Thanks, we'll talk later bye."

She put the phone away. Bought the coffee.

"Life sucks." She whispered to herself.

You can say that again. "Whispered a voice besides her."

It was a homeless person. She handed the man a Euro.

"Take this" she said.

"Thank you but you can take back your money. I want to show you something. It's a 10 min walk from her."

She quickly walked away. The man gave her the creeps. She continued her work. At the end of day she had finally arrived home.

At her front door was a political pamphlet

"Vote for me" she read.

"Two-legged rats" she thought to herself "I hate politics."

Then then started to whisper to herself "Have I failed? Is my life a failure? I wonder if life was not better in the times of my parents, or my grandparents, or their parents. This isn't living. Am I a failure or is life just more difficult. Life is always a struggle."

"Something just isn't right?" asked a voice behind her.

She felt frightened. She turned around. She looked in horror as she discovered that the voice behind her was...

"Hi my name is..." said the homeless man she had saw earlier.

"How did you find me!" she screamed in panic. "A stalker! Help!"

"My name is John and I am no stalker." The man replied

The front door opened. The man appeared frightened. "Sofia?" he said. "Is everything alight."

Sofia "No, save me! I think I'm being kidnaped"

John "Kidnapped? I'm only trying to time travel with you 300 years in the future."

The man by the door tried to save her, but it was too late. They were Gone. John had turned the dial on the golden clock.

Sofia "What are all these colours?"

John "Beautiful isn't it? We'll soon be arriving. The date is 2332 AD. Welcome to my home."

Sofia was surprised to find out that he was from the future. "You not homeless?" She replied.

John "Do you think I could use any money from the future to pay for accommodation?" he laughed.

The ground below crumpled. They were there. In the future. She could not believe it.

"It's some kind of trick." She thought to herself. She was in John's room. She looked out the windows below. The city was pretty. The building and technology seemed out of this world but somehow less impressive for a society that came from 300 years into the future. The buildings were made of glass, she knew what glass was. There were cars. How the hell did they still have cars? Also 3D TVs? Not that impressive for 300 years and machines that typed with people's thoughts. OK, this was cool. Super-impressive for 300 years. 

Something just isn't rightWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt