28 - Traitor

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~Reader's POV~

I had a banging headache, I tried to move but I was restricted which was odd so I tried again and I couldn't go anywhere so I tried opening my eyes and it was easier than expected from the dimmed room that I was in. I look around and notice how cold and dingey the room I was in actually was, this was definitely not my room. That's when I remembered Cody, I was with him before he had kissed me and I blacked out I decide to try breaking through my restraints with ym strength until a voice spoke up.

"That won't work, those restraints are made of titanium much like the alloy your leg is made out of." I snap my head in the direction of the voice, it was familiar but darker sounding it did send chills down my spine.

"You know, getting you to open up and let me in was so easy." The fugure stepped out from the shadows and there he was, the one person I had trusted in a far long time. Cody.

"Hello princess." I snarl at him.

"Now I wish we had gotten to this point of our relationship before I had to do this, what a site this is." I watch as he walks around me before crouching down to my eye level.

"You see, you were just getting a little to close to home with all the research you've been doing about Hydra and it's new organisation. We couldn't have that." He brings a hand up to brush hair out of my face and I just flinch away completely, he let's his hand drop and stand up.

"You see, we had to stop you when we found out your work with Hydra and it just so happened you were at that bar, how helpful. Once we knew you were given the responsibility to stop our new expansion, I took my chance and got much much closer to you. How naive you are." He walks over to a table I hadn't noticed was in the room until now.

"So, I think to pay us back. You give us information about the Avengers how about that?" I stare him down as he watches me waiting for some form of response but I was not going to give him the satisfaction.

"Ah, not so much a chatter now are we? Well, that's just splendid how much fun we're going to have." I watch as he puts leather gloves on before picking up a knife, at this my heart rate picks up ever so slightly. He walks over to me crouching sown to my eye level again his face graced with a sickening smile.

"So so much fun, so sit back and relax." At this he stands up walks to stand behind me before all of a sudden the balde is jabbed into my artificial leg which didn't hurt but it had caused a very odd electricity shock to spike up throughout my body, making me jolt. He dragged the knife all the way up that leg to where the scaring was which is when it did hurt, I tried so hard to not let a single sound go but once he had twisted the knife I screamed. This went on for hours.

~Time skip~

My head hung low in shame, I was weak. Helpless. I couldn't do anything but sit here and take the pain, he had been in this room with me for hours. He started off with jabs and cuttings but then quickly moved on to burning and scarring, it was too much and he was right I am naive. Bucky was right. Of course he was, but God even though I hate him I missed him a lot right now. And Steve of course.

"Well, seems like you're lucky I have a meeting to attend but don't worry I won't let you bleed to death. You're a good asset to me, to us so I'll send doctors in to make sure you stay alive." With that I heard his footsteps leave the room and new ones enter, I try to stay awake as they tend to bad wounds but from all I had endured my body shut down and I blacked out yet again.

~Bucky’s POV~

It had been a full 3 days since she's been gone and all of us have been sat in the same meeting room since, trying to figure out where she is. Steve was getting completely restless and stressed, everyone was tired and I felt useless.

"Come on, we've got nothing."

"He's very good at his job, but we will find her Steve. " I try to reassure him as he slumps in his seat, then I had an idea.

"Hey, where did we put Y/n's phone?" I ask to the room before Bruce points over to a side of the table, I head over to the phone and pick it up.

"What are you doing?" Nat asks tiredly as I unlock her phone using a picture we had of her since she did it through face ID as well.

"Doing something we should have done ages ago." Everyone gives me an odd look as I scroll through her phone to the find my phone app, I was hoping they'd have their phones linked considering he clearly planned on taking her and much to my luck I was right.

"Yes, I was right!" Steve stands up and walks over to look over my shoulder, it was still weird how he was taller now.

"What is this?" I zoom out from her location to see his location a lot more clearly.

"Find my phone app, I figured since they were dating and he clearly planned on taking her they'd link phones through this. Make it easier for him, but he hasn't turned it off that's his one fault." At this everyone perks up.

"So where is he?" I zoom in on his location.

"He's in the...Alps..." I glance to Steve who visibly straightens and tenses, he'd fought Hydra there once and I had...Well fallen.

"They're using the old base, they've reclaimed it. Built it up." Steve stated.

"Well then we know where, so we'll create a plan in the morning but we've all been working non stop that's not going to help her. She's strong just a few hours of sleep and we'll go tomorrow." Everyome agrees Begrudgingly but they were right, how tired we all were was not going to help her at all, so we would definitely go as soon as tomorrow. We will find her and bring her home.

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