A different kind of art |LRLB|Trophloon

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(If you think I portray love incorrectly, I probably am due to Emophilia. Please point it out because I love writing romance and I don't wanna write it wrong! Also I didn't proof read lol 😅😆😆🤣😆🤣 don't care)

“Shit!” Trophy yelped as he fell to the floor, Noticing that someone else was there. Fuck… my head. Trophy thought as he sat up to see what or, who he tripped on, and coincidentally… it just so happened to be…


It took a second for Trophy’s mind to click that Balloon was sleeping… in the closet? He never really talked to Balloon, but now he was taking a nap peacefully in the closet. Trophy didn't care though. The film he was looking for wasn't in the room, his job here was over. Trophy walked over to the door and found it to be locked, and Trophy didn't have the key.

Questions pondered his mind, one mainly stood out more than the others. 'Wake Balloon up he probably has a key!' After some deep consideration if he should, Trophy paused. Why was he being so… considerate? He could just wake Balloon up and even threaten him to open the door. That would be absurd, but he is on probation… assault & battery, property damage, etc.

“Hey…” Trophy finally said, coming to a conclusion to not be a bitch for once. Afterall, Balloon and Trophy were both disliked, and never talked to each other. Trophy got a little impatient, now shaking the other boy who wouldn't get out of his slumber.

“Ngh… no… I don't wanna get up… Oj… let me starve…” Balloon stated in his sleep. Trophy started to get confused. Starve? Was Balloon starving himself? Whatever that's not the point. “Get up dude, i'm not oj.” Balloon slowly opened his eyes. Gasping in shock, he jumped up wide-eyed, letting about a small yelp. “T-Trophy?!” he said, still tired but awake due to the sudden action.

“Jesus christ calm down!” Trophy said, “Oh… sorry uhm… hey, Trophy hehe…” Balloon giggled nervously. “Do you have the key out of here?” Trophy said, Balloon shook his head. “I thought I left the door open..”

Trophy sighs, “Guess we’re stuck in here, door won't budge. Ima get kicked out again if I break it” Balloon looked to the side, embarrassed on how much of a mistake sleeping in the closet was.

Trophy on the other hand was pissed, he didn't want to talk to Balloon, but he dreaded boredom.  Lucky him, he didn’t need to make a choice; Balloon had started to converse with him instead.

“So… Do you have any hobbies?” He said, hoping for an answer. Trophy had to think; if he said photography, Balloon would think he was weak and would tell everyone! If he said sports, he would have to say what sports he plays. Unfortunately, his accidental trust in his mouth led him to say what his mind was begging not to.

“Photography, art sometimes.” Balloon was taken by surprise, so was Trophy. “I-that was a joke- that stuff is for nerds-” Trophy said before Balloon's smile faded. “Oh…huh… guess I like nerd stuff then, heh.” Trophy gasped.

“Shit- wait I was joking…” he stated, “I do… I do photography.” Balloon giggled, seeing the soft side of someone usually so cruel. “There's no need to hide that… I think photography takes real talent!” The salmon-red-colored foe said, smiling.

“Finally someone who takes me seriously!” Trophy said, trying to hide the growing red on his face with a spiteful comment. “Uh… hey question? Do you think you could uh… back up a bit so I can get comfy? We might be here for a while.” Balloon mumbled, worried about a response.

“Sure, do whatever” Trophy replied and backed off for a moment, letting Balloon sit down, then going back into the position he was in before.

“Holy fuck, you're so short!” Trophy accidentally spit out. “Hey! Well… I think it's just that you're tall…” Balloon said, trying to deny the fact. “The Cherries are taller than me.”

Balloon stayed quiet, “I'M SHORTER THAN CHILDREN?!”

Trophy burst out laughing, but then realized that he also is shorter than the cherries.

“Hey… you're… not that annoying compared to everyone else.” Balloon gigged in response to the golden awards comment… or compliment? “Glad you think that! You’re not so Big And bad yourself.”

Trophy and Balloon continued to talk back and forth. Soon, both boys found the conversation amusing, but now over.

Balloon hesitated to put his head down and lean on Trophy, still tired. Eventually his mind came to the idea and rested on Trophy. Trophy was shocked at the act, his gold features beaming red. No one has shown him so much vulnerability. He looks down thinking what to do. Balloon's softly closed eyes next to his hand, complelmenting his cuteness further. Even though it was something Trophy would never admit.

Trophy decided that he didn't need to do anything about it, it was fine... And cute? No... Adorable. Trophy never felt this way so fast... People usually don't show weakness or even trust him at all! Having somebody simply lay on him sent fuzzy positive thoughts up to his head, and shivers down his spine.

Trophy hesitantly put his hand on Balloon's head, caressing the smooth warm salmon latex. Balloon's hand slowly glided towards Trophy's, slowly intertwining them.

Without thinking, Trophy planted a kiss along the sleeping Balloon's head. His mind and heart both extremely fuzzy. Never feeling such strong emotions, Trophy shoot back away from Balloon's embrace. After accidentally being woken up, Balloon tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"Mngh... H-huh...? Oh! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to- U-uhm..." Balloon's studders grew and grew along with worry. He just made a possible friendship! Or more... Balloon pushed aside the thought, snapping back into reality. "Chill dude! I... It's cool. I don't care..." Balloon's face turned red, processing the statement as he sank his head back into Trophy's lap.

"Hey uhm... Wanna... Y'know, try going steady?"

"God, Hehe! You still say that?!"

"Shut up... Heh."

"I guess... What's the harm. It can get my mind off things anyway."




                      1026 words

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 24 ⏰

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II But It's Good Balloon Content ๑ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon