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5:34 Am

My alarm went off 4 minuets ago and I can't be arsed to get out of bed but I have to because I have a shoot at 9AM and then meetings from 12PM until 4PM, sometimes my job is so long but what can you do, it's definitely better than most jobs I will say though.

5:45 Am

Im going for my usual morning run now because I have so much to do these next few days it's unbelievable, I have shoot after shoot after shoot, then dress fittings for all my events including the family bbq George insisted I attend this year since I was in New York last year when he had it (oops), I'm also set to attend the Grand Prix De Monaco Historique later this week with George and Carmen and then the Monaco Grand Prix next weekend as I have been kindly invited by Ferrari much to George's dismay. So it's safe to say I am very busy and of course George had to put his bbq right in the middle of it all.

 So it's safe to say I am very busy and of course George had to put his bbq right in the middle of it all

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@ sophruss has added to her story
- 5AM run before a busy day to calm the stress 😉


I'm back from my run, I decided to run through the forest near my apartment and then along the harbour, completing 15km in 57 minuets so a good pace. At this early in the morning barely anyone is out so it was very peaceful but now I have to get ready for my casting as my MUA is arriving in 15 minuets to get me ready, thankfully my mua is also one of my close friends since she has been doing me up since I was 16 years old when I started modeling.

'Sophie Alexandra Russell what a pleasure it is to see you again' kylie says as she enters my penthouse with no prior warning

'Fucking hell ky shitting myself wasn't on that checklist today but here we are'

'You know you love when I surprise you'

'I mean it's not really a surprise if I knew you were coming, you just happened to arrive 3 minutes earlier than anticipated'

'Yeh yeh whatever, anyways what are we doing today?' Kylie says as she starts to set out all her makeup and hair products that she's going to use on me today.

'Well I have a shoot with the brand APM Monaco today so I need light makeup as we want all the attention on the jewellery products' I tell her as I grab the coffees I had previously made for the both of us and sit down on the makeup chair.

'Ugh I love love love when you go natural, your natural beauty is breathtaking I'm so excited'

Kylie has always said that I don't need to wear makeup and that she hates doing full glam on me because it covers my natural glow and freckles.

'Okay well make me look more alive and good on camera pretty please'

'You know I will even if you don't need it'

after about an hour and a half kylie finished with my makeup and was almost done with my hair when I got a phone call from George.

'Hey soph how are you'

'Hi Georgie I'm good thank you, why did you call me?'

'That's good and I just wanted to tell you more info for the bbq'

'George why does this feel like it's a massive thing, I thought it was just family but like with our cousins this time?'

'Yeh it is but like dress code and timing wise you know'


'Okay well anyways, it's summer black tie and people will start arriving at around 3:30 pm so just come anytime around then please, I know how you can be late but this time please do be on time'

'Okay George I will make sure I'm dead on time for you, I'm still scared cuz your making this a big thing and I don't like that I don't know what's going on, not even Carmen is telling me what's happening'

'Yeh she's not going to tell you anything, anyways I will speak to you later and for the historique GP we will meet at 3pm and go for early dinner before we head there tomorrow'

'Sounds perfect see you tomorrow George love you'

'Love you too Soph bye'

I am shitting myself for this barbecue. Something is so off and I don't like it, I have a strange feeling it's not just our extended family that's going but I don't know who else it could be.

the annual bbq - CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now