"Aaa... My head..."

Hyunjae then realized that he had been tied up completely to the chair and both of his hands and legs were bound with ropes, as his eyes looked around the room to observe his surroundings in a state of confusion and fear.

"W-where am I? Younghoon! Juyeon! Changmin! Eric! Sunwoo!"

He tried called his siblings to check on them and ensure that they were not in the same situation as him, only to find himself alone in the room. His siblings were nowhere to be found, making him wonder if they were perhaps being held captive in another location.

This caused him to grow anxious and worried for their safety and well being, wondering if they were okay and if they had been kidnapped along with him.

Hyunjae's mind continuously wondered and worried about his siblings' whereabout and safety even though he himself is currently trapped in a dangerous situation.

"Look who's awake"

Hyunjae spotted the presence of a man entering the room immediately assuming that he could be the kidnapper who had taken him and brought him into this room.

"Who are you? Where my siblings? If you dare touching them..."

"It just you, baby boy. No one else" said the man.

Hyunjae immediately felt a great sense of relief when the man told him that they had not kidnapped his siblings, as this meant that they were still safe and unharmed and were not in any danger themselves.

"Thank god"

"You're happy they're safe but you're in danger, don't you think?" asked the man.

"I rather be in danger than involving them" said Hyunjae.

"What a great brother you are" the man laugh.

"Who are you? Why are you kidnapping me? What do you want from me?" asked Hyunjae.

The man didn't answer him, just walking around the room.

"Do you want money?" asked Hyunjae.

The man shake his head. No.

"Then, what do you want?" asked Hyunjae.

"Nothing. We just need to kidnapped you then let you go" said the man.

Hyunjae was left confused when the kidnapper told him that they didn't seek ransom and were simply going to let him go once it was time, causing him to wonder why they had even kidnapped him in the first place if they weren't seeking any ransom for his rescue.

This was not how a typical kidnapping scenario was supposed to go, leaving him wondering and confused about the intentions behind it all.

"I don't understand" said Hyunjae confuse.

"You don't need to" said the man.

Then, two men came in with a television on the cart.

"Why don't we watch a TV while waiting" said the man.

Hyunjae was completely overwhelmed by more confusion and doubt by how this whole situation was going down, as his kidnappers weren't even attempting to torture or harm him, but instead were simply just being complacent and chill about the entire situation, doing nothing to him and making him feel safe rather than in danger.

Which only made him wonder even more about their intentions behind the whole situation as the whole thing just didn't seem normal or natural at all to him.

When the kidnapper had set up the television in front of Hyunjae, the man turned it on and put on a specific channel, which immediately caught Hyunjae's eye and attention and completely shocked him.

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