Chapter Ten: Victoria

Start from the beginning

"Do you think she had a vision?" I countered, raising an eyebrow as Bella briefly met my gaze.

"I know she did, and I made Edward tell me," Bella remarked, her tone tinged with concern. "It was about Seattle. There have been a lot of disappearances, and killings. Edward thinks it could be vampires, and they've been tracking the situation for a while." Her words hung heavy in the air as she relayed the unsettling news. "He thinks the Volturi might intervene if it is, and if they do, they could come up here and still see I'm human," she added, her worry evident as she mentioned the potential consequences of their discovery.

"They would have to get through me first," I retorted with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. I wiggled my fingers playfully at Bella, who snickered before tossing some shirts into her overpacked suitcase. From my vantage point, it was clear there was no way she was getting it closed.

"Have you thought more about his proposal?" I inquired, recalling what Bella had told me was a tense moment in the woods when Jacob and Edward's confrontation had unfolded, leading to Edward's unexpected proposal.

"It's just a piece of paper," Bella remarked, her stance unchanged from months ago. She reiterated her indifference towards the idea of marriage, despite Edward's old-fashioned views on the matter.

"Might be. But still, he wouldn't have offered if he wasn't madly in love with you," I insisted, emphasising Edward's genuine feelings for her.

"Speaking of love," Bella redirected the conversation, stepping closer to her bed frame and leaning in. "When are you going to find it?" Her playful teasing drew a laugh from me, but her question lingered in the air.

"Have you met me?" I chuckled, acknowledging my own social awkwardness. "I'm socially awkward. Who harbours a secret that would make men run," I joked, but Bella's raised eyebrow suggested she wasn't buying my excuse.

"Bewitch them. I'm sure you can," Bella teased, wiggling her fingers playfully as she leaned closer.

"Yes, I'll do it to the first man I see," I replied with a laugh, playing along with her banter. The bedroom door was gently rapped upon, and with a creak, Charlie entered, his eyes scanning the room before settling on Bella and me. Our eyes met, sharing a knowing glance, before a shared wave of amusement overtook us. Laughter bubbled forth, filling the room as Charlie stood there, his expression a mixture of confusion and amusement at our sudden outburst.


I bid her farewell the next morning, with a tight hug, reluctance clinging to every part of me as I savoured the embrace. Reluctantly, I released her, offering a smile to Edward who stood nearby, her suitcase already stowed in his car. As they climbed into the vehicle, I stood by the curb, waving fervently until their car disappeared around the bend, my heart heavy with the weight of her absence.

Left alone on the sidewalk, a sense of emptiness enveloped me, unsure of how to fill the void left by Bella's absence. Yet, as the gentle breeze whispered through the trees, a curious notion tugged at my thoughts, beckoning me with its promise of intrigue. It was an idea that seemed to offer a challenge, an opportunity to test the limits of my newfound control...

Returning home, I retrieved my grimoire, cradling it securely against my chest with both arms. With a sense of purpose, I ventured into the expansive forest, surrendering myself to the guidance of nature. Each step felt liberating as I traversed the earthy paths, serenaded by the melodies of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

After what felt like an endless trek through the forest, I finally sensed a magnetic pull leading me to a majestic tree. Its roots snaked along the ground, resembling unearthed bones reaching out into the surrounding wilderness. This spot exuded an aura of calm, perfect for testing my control. With a sense of reverence, I knelt down gracefully, positioning myself beneath the towering branches.

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