Chapter 03

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One month later- 

Inside A bustling classroom, students chattered away, their voices filling the air with excitement. Suddenly, the door swung open, and the teacher entered, prompting an immediate hush as everyone hurried back to their seats.

"Settle down, everyone," the teacher announced firmly. "Today marks the beginning of your 12th-grade journey. Let's maintain good behavior from the start."

Despite the teacher's plea for silence, a few students in the back continued to whisper and giggle.

"Listen up," the teacher called out again. "We have three new faces joining us today. Could the three of you please stand up and introduce yourselves?"

Rising to their feet were two identical-looking girls and a tall, handsome boy with dark skin and a confident demeanor.

Pointing towards the boy, the teacher prompted, "Introduce yourself, please."

Meanwhile, from the rear of the classroom, a girl leaned over to her friend and whispered, "That boy has such a cool vibe, don't you think?" 

"And he's really good-looking despite his dark skin." Another girl said 

The boy caught wind of their conversation and raised an eyebrow, thinking to himself, "What's with these people? They're so wired "

Clearing his throat, he confidently introduced himself, "I'm Aria Roy, transferred here from Nextfly College."

Following suit, the twin girls introduced themselves as Manika and Anika from Burmanagar College.

Just then, a voice called out from the doorway, "May I come in, sir?"

The teacher's eyes widened in surprise. "Samiul? Is that you?"

Indeed, it was Samiul—but he looked completely transformed, taller, more handsome, and exuding a newfound charisma.

The entire class turned to look at Samiul in astonishment.

"No way, is that Samiul?" murmured one male student.

"How is this even possible?" another female student whispered. 

"He looks like a model now!" Another female student whispered. 

The atmosphere in the classroom buzzed with intrigue and curiosity as everyone tried to make sense of Samiul's remarkable change.

After taking his seat, Samiul noticed that all eyes were still fixed on him.

Samiul thought to himself, "Have I really changed that much? First, the facial recognition software couldn't identify me, and now everyone in the classroom is giving me strange looks."

Turning to his side, Samiul glanced at the unfamiliar girl beside him and silently wondered, "Who is she? I've never seen anyone like her in this school."

The girl noticed Samiul's curious gaze and smiled, saying, "Hi, I'm Anika."

"Oh, sorry about that," Samiul replied. "I haven't seen you in class before, so I was curious."

"I'm a new transfer student," Anika explained with a smile.

"Ah, I see," Samiul responded, taking out his books from his bag.

Meanwhile, from another side of the room, Joy, Nohi, and Naem were seated, their eyes still fixed on Samiul.

Whispering to each other, Joy remarked, "How did this son of a bitch become so handsome all of a sudden?"

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