Part 1

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"Taehyung!" Kim Aera shouted at her son at the top of her lungs, fuming with anger. "Come down this instant!"

The said son was frantically calling his best friend, "Kookie, please come here fast! I can hear her walk upstairs."

"Baby, I'm right outside. In 2 minutes, I'll be at your door knocking, and here I go..." Jeon Jungkook aka Taehyung's savior in the form of his best friend. True to his words, he knocked and rang the bell urgently in order to "save" his best friend.

Hearing the bell, Mrs. Kim walked to the door instead of her son's bedroom. She already knew who it was, and that just made her anger increase, if anything.

"I know why you are here, jungkook! Don't even think of saving him. Go away. This time, I am dealing with this my way." Mrs. Kim kept her voice stern, glaring at Kook. The younger was a little too scared of the shorter woman. He knew the worst she could do.

"But mom, please listen to me. We can discuss this through peaceful ways." Jungkook tried as he entered the house, hands up in surrender already. Both Tae and Jungkook called each others moms like that because that's how close they were. Both the mothers also loved the boys to the fullest.

"Peaceful?? We've spoiled him too much, jungkook! He needs to learn to be responsible -" Mrs. Kim stopped mid sentence when she heard a whimper followed by a very cute (according to jungkook) and heartbreaking sniffle. Tae stood at the end of the stairs, tears welled up in his eyes.

Jungkook worked in auto mode, and his feet carried him to the small boy, "Awwhh, angel, come here." Jungkook cooed as he called the boy into a hug. The latter just melted into the warm embrace, letting out a small hum.

"Your kookie is here now, okay? No worrying anymore." Jungkook whispered in the boy's ear, effectively calming the boy before he could burst into tears from his mom's harsh words.

But the peace didn't last for long as Mrs. Kim continued, "This is exactly why he is the way he is. You always save him, jungkook! Do you know what his teacher told me this morning? He's  failing this year if he doesn't cope up fast! He has 0 extra curricular to back him up, and with the pace he is going, he might not even get into college!"

Tae couldn't control his sadness anymore, and the waterfall of tears began. "Eomma, I'm trying! Studying is difficult for me! I don't understand most things, but I'm still trying..." He cried so loud, the other two worried he would drive himself sick.

Jungkook felt incredibly sorry for his best friend. No one knew better than him how much Tae struggles in class. He is not able to pay attention in lectures. Even if he tries, he starts getting anxious and fidgety. It doesn't help that he's so shy, too, so he doesn't answer in class too often, and when he does, he fumbles with his words, making the teachers assume he's slacking off.

Even the extra curricular part was not entirely Taehyung's fault. He had auditioned for the music club a couple of years ago, and it was all going well until he had been kicked out because he froze on stage during a show. Jungkook had held him through that night when Tae kept crying from embrassment. And because he had failed in the one thing he thought he was good at, he never enrolled in anything else.

Mrs. Kim sighed, listening to her baby cry. She knew she was harsh on her son. She was a single mother, after all, and just the thought of Taehying failing school made her feel like she had failed as a parent. She didn't know how to help him. They had been to various doctors in the past, thinking it would help Tae, but it didn't really improve anything much. The only thing that Tae "responded" to was none other than his best friend, Jeon Jungkook.

"Mom, just give me a minute, I promise we can find a way once everyone is calm." Jungkook tried again, this time getting only a tired nod in return from Mrs. Kim.

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