On the edge of darkness-21

Start from the beginning

Today after a long time, he hears Kongpob wanting to say something and Arthit nods framing Kongpob black orbs which mostly feel like an ocean of waves those says many things to him like when Kongpob is in high tide and low tide of emotions, he can guess now it's a low tide so he braced his heart he can do it, when it's a high tide he could hug his Kongpob until the tide of emotions settles down

"I am planning to move out..." he bite his bottom lip feeling the turmoil Arthit is undergoing, he knew Arthit wants to take care of Kongpob and it will not be possible if he moves out, he sees Arthit gulping and change in facial expressions

"are not you feeling cold, let's go inside" arthit did not even bother to listen for what kongpob said.

The statement of hiding several emotions of his anger, Kongpob withheld his palm on Arthit cheek who is frustrated "listen..please,"

The soft pleads which will melt arthit right away. Arthit closed his eyes feeling the soft inner side of the palm is calming his raising heart he re-hold Kongpob wrist "...you will catch cold Kongpob,"

Kongpob smiles he knew his Arthit very well, Arthit is not ready to let him move out and he have to make him agree, now it's the biggest task

"let me talk," he pleads

Arthit closes his eyes and breaths he opens his eyes Arthit knees were dropping at his words , thinking what kongpob is going to say next? Will he say he will leave him next!! At this thoughts he felt like the he was feeling some earthquake under his feet, he gripped Kongpob collar having a red eyes pooled with tears he yelled in low tone bringing him closer "you know how to hurt me! Right!"

By the sudden pull, Kongpob flinched he was holding onto Arthit forearms which were sensitively strangling his collar, he holds the power of Arthit dragon eyes "..phee, listen to me"

" Still what is there is left to lsiten! A break up?"

"Phee, listen! To me, once, then yell all you want to.." he pleads taking looming look to arthit eyes

Kongpob can feel Arthit fingers getting lose on his shirt collar, Arthit drags his fingers down while Kongpob hugs Arthit face to make him look into his eyes and pecks a warm kiss on Arthit lips which lasted for few seconds, arthit cast back to Kongpob eyes which are transparent with mist, did Kongpob kiss him now! Kongpob again said, "you want me to assure you more, I am ready for that"

Arthit hisses over Kongpob eyes and their breath mingled "...don't you dare to assure me something which you will regret, Kongpob" that tight warning made Kongpob insides curled and tight with a rush of warm blood creeping his cheeks with heat and ears warm up into pink shades

"I won't regret..." kongpob tried not to show any quiver in tone

Arthit brow quirk "okay may be I should change it to...cannot afford?"

"I CAN" kongpob gulped with his knees giving up

"show me what you can?" Arthit voice raised as he hastily pushed the latter onto near by wall

Hearing the tight voice over his neck his pulsation increased with Arthit pinning him to the wall he looks to Arthit with anticipating eyes and Arthit eyes are expressing the pain he went through while Kongpob left him, Kongpob sobbed with tears gripping in eyes he knew he put them into a path of pain, he closed his eyes he could not look into Arthit eyes for what he had done


The close whisper filling in his ear getting his ear licked, feeling the sensation of wetness he closed his eyes tight his ear being paid like a sweet bubbled gum to Arthit

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