Diamond Days

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Back in the closet with Floyd, Branch and Creek they were fighting (as usual)

"Bronch stop it" Creek said

"Oh great here we go again" Floyd said rolling his eyes

"Stop what? I didn't even do anything" Branch said

"Oh ya well your- your looking at me" Creek said

"And you have to complain about that" Branch said

"Oh hey look Velvet and Veneer are back how about we stop fighting" Floyd suggested

"No" Creek and Branch said both looking at Floyd

"You guys are going to get busted" Floyd mumbled

"What did you say Floyd" Branch said

"Oh nothing" Floyd said

"I'm done talking to you Bronch or should I say you cookie monster" Creek said

Branch gasped "Am not you annoying purple Teletubby" Branch shouted at him

"That's way too far Papa Smurf" Creek said

"I don't think so Yzma" Branch said

"Why are you calling each other names" Floyd asked

"Because, I don't know Porky Pig" Creek said

"Oh it is on" Floyd said putting war paint on his cheeks

"Where did he get that" Cringe wondered

Floyd pushed his diamond over making Creek fall on the floor

"Oh no you didn't" Creek said

"Haha now we don't have to deal with you" Branch said

"Cringe can you put me back up away from the edge" Creek asked

"Ya because Velvet would probably kill me if I didn't" Cringe said

"Hello I'm back" Creek said

"Why what if I want you to stay on the floor" Branch said

"You guys are mean" Creek said

The three of them then got into a war of calling each other names until they finally fell asleep

Then Velvet and Veneer came in

"Aww look they're finally asleep" Veneer said

"Finally now we don't have to deal with their bickering" Velvet said

"Hey when is our preformance" Veneer asked

"Um tomorrow" Velvet said looking at her calendar

"Really?" Veneer asked

"Ya see for yourself" Velvet said handing him the calendar

"Huh" Veneer said "Well we better get lot's of rest for tomorrow"

"Ya" Velvet replied "Cringe watch the trolls!" 

"Fine" Cringe said walking over to the trolls

Then Velvet and Veneer left and Cringe pulled out a book and sat down

"Sooo how are we going to escape" Branch asked

"I know" Creek said

"How" Branch said

"Pull the lever Floyd!" Creek said

"Wha- what lever" Floyd asked

"Just pull the lever!!" Creek said

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