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IT WAS quarter after midnight as Dean drove in his impala down the nearly abandoned road. His only company was his brother Sam, who sat next to him in the passenger seat, giving him the necessary instructions they needed to get to the nearest motel to rest for the night. And, unbeknownst to Sam, there was a third party present, but he could never find out about that.

After a while, Dean had begun to realize the radio station he'd put on was simply playing the same songs over and over again, so he changed it to the next one, which happened to be a pop music station. Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood' started to play throughout the car at full volume, prompting Sam to make a face of disgust at the song choice.

He looked toward his brother expectantly, only for his expression to crumble into shock and disbelief as Dean hesitated before shrugging, deciding to leave it on.

"She makes me feel things, okay?" Dean burst after Sam continued to stare at him.

"Okay, okay," Sam chuckled a little, glancing down and shaking his head in bemusement. He couldn't help but wonder what demon or ghost had taken control of his older brother, and why they wanted to listen to Taylor Swift at top volume. But the longer he listened, he admittedly grew to like it (not that he'd ever tell Dean, or anyone for that matter).

When the song was over and an NSYNC song started playing, and Dean decided he'd had enough of pop and was planning on finding a rock station, a brittle voice that erupted from the back seat made him halt his movements.

"Can you please help me?"

Dean felt his heart lurch out of his chest as he caught sight of the rear view mirror. The car swerved, and Dean quickly slammed on the breaks to avoid an accident. "Son of a—! Lady, what the hell are you doing?!"

The brothers whipped around and came face to face with the person who had managed to sneak into their car. The brunette woman met their stares with desperate eyes. She appeared to be in her mid 30's and looked as though she had been crying for hours because of the redness in her kind eyes.

"How did you get in here?" Sam just barely managed to get out, gapping at her. He couldn't tell if she was a ghost or an Angel, or what.

"Please," She said again. "My children are missing. You're the only ones who can help me find them, Winchesters."

Dean and Sam are Swifties and you can't convince me otherwise

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Dean and Sam are Swifties and you can't convince me otherwise.

Confession time, I haven't watched Season 9 yet I'm actually in the middle of Season 8, but when I finally get to it I'll write and edit accordingly. Hope I'm not off to a bad start :)
I'll come up with a playlist for this story soon.

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