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"Dāi ammā........! Ruqaiya......."
She called out.

But got no answer.

"My eyes are getting irritated sitting like this........"
She complained. But it was only her own voice which echoed in that big bathing chamber.

There was so much chitter chatter a few moments back. But was all silent !

"I am not liking this game any more !"
She felt a little scared.

But again. There was no answer.

"Did you all really go away ?!"
She said in disbelief.
"To see a mere receiving ceremony ?! We have these type of ceremonies every month !"

She continuously complained. Continuously swaying her hands on the nearby objects in order to find something having water in it.

Covered in a white peice of cloth, she was being bathed with a whole lot of royal things today.

Milk, turmeric, sandalwood paste, rose petals and what not !

But suddenly, Sakeena came shouting about a new guest arrival ! And there they went !! None of them even cared to look at her. Or her condition.

They left her alone ! Shivering......

"Go to hell all of you......"
She muttered.

But to her dismay, she couldn't even find a mug of water beside her.

Covered fully with these different kinds of smells and pastes, she felt uneasy now !

"Anybody ?!!"
She shouted this time.

Just to be more irritated by the echo which came back as if bouncing back to herself !

And now after a whole.....maybe then minutes of calling different names, she was finally fed up.

Thus, she now decided to get out of all this stickyness by herself !

Keeoing her eyes shut, she carefully gathered her cloth and sqeezed it. Then taking the support of the tub in which she was sitting, she tried to get up.

At last, she stood up to her full height after coming out of that small bathing tub kept aside from the water chamber a few steps downstairs from that platform.

But as soon as she took a step ahead, it went away slipping on all those pastes spilled on the floor.

Her hands flung in air in order to get something for support and her scream again echoed in that empty hall !


A hand came there to support her for good ! She clutched that arm with all her force ! Making her nails dig into that silk clothing which was beneath her soft palms.

And soon she could make out, her hands remembering a slight touch of beard on her fingers.

This wasn't a woman !

Her heartbeat, which already raced like an Arabian horse raced further more !

While she tried to loose her clutch from that arm. An arm of a man !

She had to hide herself. She was all exposed.

As she knew, that thin white piece of cloth must have left her all naked in front of this person !

And realizing this, she immediately tried to pull herself back !

But only to slip again on that tremendously greasy floor of Hamām.

BHARAM ~ An IllusionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant