S1 E10: A Shadow of His Former Self

Începe de la început

Bell: "Can't believe I told you that."

A semi-transparent Church fades into view between them.

A semi-transparent Church fades into view between them

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Church: "Tuckerrr.... Tuuuuuuckerrr." He says in a ghostly voice.

Bell: "AHHHH! A ghost!" She screams in terror.

Caleb: "Call the Ghostbusters!" He yells.

Tucker: "Who the hell are you?" He asks ghost Church.

Church: "I am the ghost of Church! And l've come back with a warning!"

Caboose: "You're not Church. Church is blue! You're white!" He states.

Church: "Rookie, shut up, man!" He says, dropping his ghost voice. "I'm a freakin' ghost! Have you ever seen a blue ghost before?"

Tucker: "Yeah, that's definitely him."

Bell: "Yeah, I'd know that mean voice anywhere."

Caleb: "Suddenly I'm not so scared anymore."

Church: "Now I gotta start over again." He clears his throat and starts speaking in a ghostly voice. "Tucker! TUCKER! I've come back with a warning!"

Tucker: "Is it really necessary to do the voice?" He asks.

Caboose: "Yeah, it's kind of annoying."

Bell: "And really unnecessary."

Calynn: "And it's just bad."

Church: "Fine! Okay, here's the deal. I've come back from the dead to give you a warning about Tex. Don't let-"

Caboose: "What's the warning?" He interrupts.

Church: "Shut up for one second and I'll tell you!"

Caboose: "Oh, sorry."

Church: "Seriously man, I'm coming back from the great beyond here. Do you think this is easy? It's not. It's not like, just, you know, pop in and out whenever I feel like it, it takes a lot of concentration."

Calynn: "Then why don't you get to the point instead of rambling on? During that rant, you could've told us your warning."

Church: "Whatever." He ignores Calynn. "I mean, it's bad enough that your brother killed me to begin with but now I come back and I can't get a word in edgewise, man." He takes a breath. "Okay, here's the deal–"

Caboose: "Is this the warning?" He interrupts.

Calynn: "Mikey. Shut up."

Church: "Caboose, when we're done here, I'm gonna haunt you."

Tucker: "Yeah, you're even starting to bug me."

Bell: "Can we please, just let him talk?" She asks.

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