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with Morgan at the bar

Morgan hated walking out on his wife and baby like that. He knew it was wrong, but his pride again got the best of him. He let his ego win. He couldn't for onc allow his wife to be right. He knew she was right deep down inside, but it hurt him to admit it.

All he had was his pop shop. He had no further education. Just a high school diploma. He planned on working at the shop as long as he could. Until he could pass it down to his future son. He never knew anything else but the shop. He had nothing to offer her. He was pretty much a loser as his in-laws predicted.

He knew that it was time to let the business go. The last sale they made was literally a few months ago. Business was never gonna be the same again. With all of these online shops, why even bother? It's been really hard to stay afloat. Here he is drinking all his problems away. Again breaking his sobriety.

Part of him didn't care. He was hurting deeply inside. His problem was he never allowed himself to consider his wife's emotions. He couldn't even take the time to process how Tatiana felt. She should've been included. He should've told her when he had the chance. Included her in the conversation. She was very much the bread and butter of the company.

After his pops died, Morgan quickly took over the business. Tatiana was grateful to help and even polished up some of the belts from time to time. He taught her how to fix the belt buckles and she was a pro at no time. It was their little passion project as a newlywed. They did so much for it and he didn't even consider how much it would hurt his wife to let it go as well. It was always about him.

He realized that he had to make a big decision. He had to think of his family first. Was he really going to pick the business over his family? Was his family that little to him? He knew his dad was a family man and often put his family over the business too. Whenever he would get sick his dad would call off and close the store and just stay with him all day. As he would for any family emergency.

In the end, his father would be proud of him for doing what's best for his family over the business. He knew more so his father wouldn't be happy with his reaction to his wife or the fact that he's drinking again. He was doing so good on his sobriety but of course he let his judgment get the best of him and now here he is at a local bar, drowning out his feelings. His wife only wanted to talk and communicate, and he stormed out. What an asshole.

Morgan knew he couldn't go home. Not like this. Not after he promised to stop. He let her down again. She deserved better. She put up with him for so much long. Dealing with his drinking problems and his anger management issues. She was definitely a trooper. It wasn't right. She didn't deserve that. Again, she was right. When the going gets tuff, I do run away. Here I am away. From my wife and baby. In some fuckass small town of nowhere. What a looser.

He grabbed another beer and chugged that down. The drinks were definitely catching up. He was totally drunk at this point. With no regard to his next moves. He grabbed his keys and wobbled out of the bar. He wouldn't even see as his eyes were a bit blurry and his speech was slurred. Morgan hopped in his truck and started it up.

Morgan was in no place to drive, but it was the only way to get back to his small city. He started up the car and swerved away. In was quite dark and nothing on the road but a few road troopers and trucks. Next thing he knows his truck collides with with a semi and his truck flips over. Morgan's head is left bleeding as he slowly looses conscience. He knew better than to drinking and drive. He would always walk to the local bar, he just didn't care this time. He was stupid and careless. He could care less if he died. Which scared him.


Tatiana walked into the hospital room thanks to the help of the nurse. She walked over to Morgan's bed. He was somewhat awake. He had a patch on his head. He was a bit loopy do to the meds. She wanted to yell at him so bad. She wanted to scream. She was so angry, he was so careless. She also didn't think that their argument would get this bad. She never wanted anything bad to happen to him after their fights.

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