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Yul Aeri... described as kind and bubbly, had no friends. She was one of the best looking girls in her school. Clear, symmetrical face with silky, golden brunette, wavy hair and dark brown eyes. She was an absolute beauty. Yet she never let anyone become any more than an acquaintance of hers. Except, of course, her best friend (and crush) Kaho Nire. Yul could never find the words to describe her one true love. Despite being an ordinary cute looking girl, if described by Yul, Kaho was a girl with the radiance of many goddesses. Kaho was an average height girl, with scruffy, short black hair and black eyes that stared at you in confusion no matter what you said to her. She wasn't very smart or very good at conversation but she was shockingly always described as "down to earth" though the only person close enough to her to know that wasn't true was Yul. In fact the only person who had been close to Kaho at all, was Yul. Kaho's Dad bragged about Kaho having such a pretty face but as far as she could remember, no one ever approached her to ask her anything about it (Let alone ask her on a date like her poor old dad desperately wanted). Yul, often invited to family dinners (though family only meant Kaho and Dad), sat listening to the conversations with a sweet smile, nodding along at Mr.Nire's rants about his beautiful daughter. "Soon," Yul thought "Mr.Nire will have nothing to worry about.."

"Kaho! There you are! Look!" Yul had come running up the stairs of Kaho's cozy, beige, suburban home and bursted into her room holding when Kaho had just fallen back to sleep after realizing it was a Saturday morning instead of a Monday one. Startled, Kaho sat up immediately before realizing her situation and loosening up her shoulders. "'There you are'? This is my house Yul. Where else would I be on a Saturday morning." She had a raspy voice from just being woken up but still tried to wipe away any semblance of morning crust from her face so it wasn't painfully obvious she had been sleeping till 1:00 in the afternoon. "What is that?" She pointed to the paper her friend waved dramatically during her also dramatic entrance. "It's our classes! Look! Both of our schedules are the same! Every single class." Yul plopped herself on the bed as Kaho shifted to also be sitting on the edge, revealing the fact that she had wore an ill fitting black tank top and red grease stained sweatpants to bed. "Ooh! What a coincidence! At least I know I'll have a friend in every class now." She studied the paper. Yul took notice of the cropped tank top on Kaho and couldn't help but pay attention to the fact that one side had slipped down so far her best friend's light cyan bra was fully visible on one side. The side closest to Yul. Yul reached out and played with the spaghetti strap of the tank top before sliding her hands down and fixing the shirt to cover up the bra. When she looked up again Kaho was ever the clueless before she looked down and noticed what had happened. "S..Sorry! I didn't mea- or I mean I didn't notice it was like that!" She waved her hand around in shock before sighing and letting the blush that had formed on her face, fade. "Thanks Yul. I'd lose my head if not for you." She gave a slight smile. "Of course! I'm always here for you." Yul giggled before pulling her into a big hug. Yul had to admit that her once harmless hugs had turned into something more sinister over the years. No longer being satisfied with only the warm embrace of her friend, she took these as opportunities to feel the crevasses of Kaho's sweetly shaped body. She'd move her hands lower than needed and sometimes she'd grab onto her friend's waist and take keen mental notes of how thin her dear Kaho had become. Later, she'd re-stuff her pillow to fit those exact measurements. After the embrace Kaho's dad called the girls down for a late breakfast and after that Yul and Kaho enjoyed a warm Saturday with each other.

On her walk home, Yul opened her purse and rummaged in it before finding what she was looking for. If she hadn't been walking in an alleyway to avoid people, they would have witnessed her dramatic change in behavior. Her walk turned funny, almost like a drunken woman, and her breathing seemed heavy and uncontrollable. Under her breath she muttered and mumbled. "My Kaho. My dear sweet Kaho! All mine! Forever! Yes... forever. You'll never ever leave me. Nothing will ever tear us apart. I won't let it. My Kaho, My lovely Kaho.." Her crazed mumbling continued as she made her way home. When she finally arrived she placed the things she had been clutching on her side table before crawling into bed and grabbing her pillow. "Ka's weight is the exact same. No need to change the stuffing today." She laid down and squeezed tightly on the pillow, wrapping it with her legs and arms. "Good night Kaho.. I love you."

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