Kazuha: Park, princess.

Chaewon: I wasn't following you.

Kazuha: Don't write to me again until you've parked.

Staring at the screen, I continued to stand in the parking lot. After a few minutes, the phone vibrated again.

Chaewon: Is that what you do every night? Go from bar to bar chasing women?

Kazuha: You parked?

Chaewon: Yes.

Kazuha: I'm only after one woman. She makes me want to drink. That's why the bar.

Chaewon: I just wanted you to go home. Stop texting me.

Kazuha: Stop texting? I thought you liked the vibe.

No reply.

Maybe I'd gone too far. It was too early to play around like we used to. I sent another message, responding honestly to her request that I go home.

Kazuha: My home is where you are.

Chaewon: You burned down our house in Las Vegas after you had sex with me and left.

It hurt too much to read those words. I stared at them for almost a minute before replying.

Kazuha: There's a reason I did what I did, and I need to explain it to you in person. I'm not going to do it by text message.

Chaewon: There's no excuse for what you did.

Kazuha: Where are you? I'll come and find you.

Chaewon: No. Please don't.

Kazuha: If you want to get rid of me, you'll have to see me at some point.

Chaewon: Why are you doing this?

Because I love you.


Where did that come from?

Kazuha: Please go back to the bar or I can come to you. I can't drive because I've been drinking.

Chaewon: I can't see you tonight. I'm not ready.

Kazuha: Will you ever be?

Chaewon: I don't think so.

Kazuha: Who is she?

Chaewon: Who?

Kazuha: Your girlfriend.

Chaewon: How come you don't know yet? What kind of stalker are you?

Kazuha: Tell me her name.

Chaewon: Her name is Yunjin.

Kazuha: Do you live together?

Chaewon: That's none of your business.

Kazuha: I saw her jacket hanging on your closet door.

Chaewon: Have you been snooping around my house?

Kazuha: Yes. Only when you're not at home. And I've never been inside. I wouldn't do that.

Chaewon: It's still sick.

Kazuha: I can't believe you stayed with her, by the way.

Chaewon: I don't abandon the things I care about.

Kazuha: Neither do I. That's why I'm here.

Chaewon: After two years?

Kazuha: I came here the first chance I got.

Even if it were true, I'm sure it confused her. She didn't reply. So I sent another message.

Kazuha: You named him Pixy. It's proof that you don't hate me.

Chaewon: I can't do that anymore.

I didn't want to make her any more upset. So I stopped writing. I was surprised when my phone vibrated again inside the bar about fifteen minutes later.

Chaewon: When have you been tidying my garden?

Kazuha: All day while you're at work.

Chaewon: Thank you.

If it were possible for a heart to smile, I swear mine would have done so at that moment.

Kazuha: You're welcome.

Chaewon: Please don't give him any more corn to eat. He can't digest it and it's not pretty.

I laughed.

Kazuha: Oops.

That was the end of our conversation that night. It was more than I could have hoped for.


Chaewon still avoided seeing me at all costs. As another week passed, I realized that my approach needed to be more aggressive. With each new day, I became more annoyed that she didn't know the reason behind my departure. And I still refused to have this conversation in any way other than in person.

I understood her fear, but I had to find a way to meet her alone so that we could talk.

It was a Thursday afternoon when I received a call from my agent in Australia about a marketing opportunity. So I did what anyone in my position would do before accepting a new deal: I hired a lawyer.



Hi guys! Sorry for my delay, I'm really busy these days.

But I want you to tell me, what did you think of this chapter?

I want a lot of comments and votes on the chapters to let me know how excited you guys are for the next chapters.☺️

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