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How Fast the Night Changes


I closed my eyes braced for unpack. A sudden swoosh of air surrounded me, the ground under my feet was gone. This was it I had died, years of wondering what it felt like and this had been it. 

I felt my feet land on the ground again. This didn't feel right. It was only a matter of seconds and I felt fine. I slowly peeled my eyes back. police cars flew by, I was now on the sidewalk I had originally been heading for. Suddenly arms I didn't feel before moved from my waist to my shoulder. "Ma'am are you okay?" A deep shaking robotic sounding voice spoke. I turned my head upward to catch a glimpse of a tall man. His face looked like it was moving a mile a minute, it was smeared and kind of creepy looking. He had a yellow suit that cover all the way up his neck and connected to his face. A pair of goggles covered his eyes. But that was I could make out. 

The lighting streak on his chest stood out. "Kid flash." He spoke. A shiver went down my spine at his voice. It didn't sound human. Kid flash? Rory and wally had talked about him but I had never even seen a picture. "I-uh, Hunter." II couldn't process what was happening. Wally had been right, I needed a superhero to save me. I couldn't save myself. "Are you alright." I thanked him silently for holding onto my shoulder cause I'm sure without him I would have passed out. 

"I-Il'l be okay." I cringed at my stuttering. I'm normally a lot more cool and collected but something about the man in front of me was giving me a strange feeling. "I have a city to save. Be more careful." He says before he disappears leaving nothing but a swoosh of air and a streak that quickly disappeared. 

My breathing began to calm down and I started to feel a lot more collected. I couldn't move I just stood there staring at the direction he had left in. I didn't know how to feel. He had just saved me for no reason. I didn't know him, or had done him any favors but yet he saved me. I was nothing but a meaningless life to him. I couldn't imagine how the must feel? Did it feel good saving lives? Knowing you saved someone from mourning the loss of a child, a sister, or even a friend. 

I'm sure it as a lot easier to sleep at night. I shook off the my thoughts carefully checking my surroundings. I began to walk again trying to calm myself down. I'm sure a mix of drowsiness, that silly fight, and what I just experienced was having a toll on me. Nothing a little sleep can't fix, I was sure of it. 

After a very long walk and paying a lot more attention around me I walked through the front door. The house was pitch black and cold. I closed the door locking it and heading off into the kitchen. I didn't even bother hitting the light switch. Walking over to the basement opening the door I descend down the old creaky steps. The basement was damp and dark. The cool air brushed against my hot warm skin from walking so far. Making my way to the nearest wall pulling back an old tapestry my Dad had hung. He said he bought it in '72 and it hung on his wall all through his teen years. it was special to him, but to me it was old and smelt bad. 

Behind it a small keypad attached to the wall, lighting up as the dim light from the nearby clock hit's it. I press put in the code, a short beep sounds in confirmation. A small part of the wall becomes a door. Pushing through it lights begin to come Alice as I step in. "Welcome, Hunter Kincaid." The female robotic voice says from a near by speaker. The heavy door closes behind. 

I walk further in heading for the main computer. Weapons and gear lined the wall. Gadgets my Dad and his friends had created seemed to fill most of it. sitting down in the large chair the screen lit up. Typing in the passcode I'm met with my Dad's usual home screen. A picture of the two of us at my first hockey game when I was seven. He had taken me to see the Canucks vs. Maple leafs. No surprise the Canucks won. But I hardly remember much from that game. 

First thing I needed to do was looking into Kid Flash. Nothing much except photos seemed to show. From a far his face didn't seem as blurry and distorted like it was when I had seen it. In fact one photo from a bystander that had been taking from far away got a pretty clear photo. I didn't seem to recognize him but he had ginger hair and a sharp jawline. Besides news reports and blogs there seemed to be no clue of who he truly was. not even skeptics. I was able to find some reports from other place that included Kid Flash. Most popular was StarCity, and Happy Harbor. It was hard to tell if he was even from around here. 

He was part of a team of vigilantes. Including Robin, Superboy, and several others. He was seen on many accounts helping The Flash. Which would make sense seeing as he's his sidekick. I sat there sitting at the computer pondering everything.  One thing that stood out the most 'would I make a good hero?' I had pros and cons. Pros, I knew how to fight good, II had the equipment, and I wouldn't mined putting my life on the line. 

Cons, I'm a killer not a saver, I don't think my father would like very much, and I wouldn't really have a clue how to start. I would be easy to come up with a costume. I already had top of the lines clothes specially made for missions. All I had to do was find something to cover my face and bam I'm in. I'd need a weapon. One that hurts but won't kill. My specialties were swords but I don't think that would work. Bo-staffs are always fun. And lastly Id need a name. I cool one nothing lame. 

What was I even thinking. I can't be a hero. No matter how much I want to. I take a deep breath before exciting the page. "Shut down all computers." I call out standing from the chair. "Shutting down systems." the voice says. The door opens as I start to walk out of it. The lights dimming in my path. "Goodnight, hunter Kincaid." The door shuts behind me locking. I let the tapestry fall back over the key pad before making my way up the basement stairs. Once I return to the kitchen Dad's communicator is the only light on. A faint beep came from it in the complete silence. Dad would be okay. I closed the door leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs to lay down. This had been a long night and I was ready for a calm peaceful weekend. 


let me know whatcha think. 

Also my keyboard keeps sticking and double typing letters. I think I fixed all of the double letters but if I missed any I'm really sorry. 

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