New position

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I've been working here for years, same people every day and same work load every day. Every once in a while we get these pretty little young interns but they don't usually last long, they go off to do something bigger and better or they quit and start an only fans. While typing away on my computer I hear my coworker whispering to get my attention.
I look over and see Debbie waving her chubby arm and smiling at me, Debbie's one of my favorites here. She's down to earth and super sweet, and she always has the gossip. Even though I'm a man I still love to hear about the gossip. Debbie's a big woman with thick fat arms and huge breasts, she's got very wide hips and an even bigger ass, and her belly is filled with rolls. When she laughs her belly jumps and her double chin wobbles. She's a big fat happy woman, just how every woman should be.
"Ppppsssspp Danny!!"
She continues, I motion for her to come over to me. I watch her brace her fat fingers on the sides of her chair as she wiggles her big body out of it and waddles over to me.
"Danny did you hear about the new girl coming up here?"
"Umm no what new girl? Another intern?"
"Oh no honey she's not an intern she's supposed to be training to be our boss!"
My jaw fell open.
"How old is she?"
"Oh she's young very young maybe twenty four?"
"Have you seen her yet?"
"No no I've just heard she's coming up here today"
"I'm sure she's gonna be another bimbo like they all are" I laughed.
"Oh Danny you're so funny!" She giggled and lightly hit me on the shoulder.
As she walked back to her desk I watched her big rear end bounce back and forth, her skirt swayed and I got a glimpse of the lymphedema and cellulite on her big legs. I shook my head and looked back at my computer. About 45 minutes later we heard click clacking footsteps, we both turned to see our "new boss". She had a tight skirt on, big black heels and a button up on. She had a pretty face and a slim fit figure. I knew it, another skinny little bitch who thinks she knows everything. I rolled my eyes and kept working.

She looked around and went into her office with our boss

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She looked around and went into her office with our boss. Debbie and I kept looking over to see what was going on, soon enough our boss came out with the young girl and introduced her to us, her name was Marie and she was from some fancy school and she knew a lot, I wasn't really listening. I was too busy looking at her and how skinny she was, she looked around like she owned the place. After my boss introduced her she gave some bullshit speech about how we can all work together and make the workplace better and putting in longer hours, less time off and more workload. She tried to be peppy and happy about it but I knew everyone else was as pissed as I was. Once the introduction was over we all went back to work.

Throughout the next week I noticed Marie drank a lot of coffee and protein shakes, she never ate. Debbie always brought in food for everyone, she would offer to Marie and she would always decline which made Debbie upset, I hate when Debbie is upset.
"Danny hey"
Debbie waddled over to me.
"Hey what's up?"
"Did you hear what she said to me?"
"No what, who Marie?"
"Yes I offered her some of my brownies and she said no! Danny she said I shouldn't have any either!"
"She said this today?" I asked
"Yes she said I shouldn't have any and I should stop eating so much!"
"Oh my god what a bitch" I said looking around.
"Then I overheard her talking to Carissa and she said I was fat and she never wanted to be fat like me"
Debbie looked at me like a sad puppy. I rubbed her heavy arm and told her she was beautiful. She gave me a big warm smile and waddled back over to her desk. I sat down and began to do some research, I couldn't let this Marie girl talk about my friend like that. I started putting my own plan in motion the very next day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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