
Start from the beginning

"So now that you guys are totally official we can go on double dates!" Max said and Dustin shook his finger "Me and Suzie actually made things official as well-" "You didn't tell me!?" Will exclaimed and Dustin turned to Will and smiled sheepishly.

"I really didn't tell anyone, but surprise?" Will smiled "Well I'm happy for you!" Dustin smiled turning back to the party "So now we can go on triple dates!" As the party talked and the rest of the DND club started cleaning up Will watched from the side.

He was the only single one in the party now, was he really going to go and be the biggest third wheel of all time?

"So Will, I know you don't have anyone to go with but you should still come!" Dustin asked as they all walked out of the DND club planning on where they wanted to go for their triple date, Suzie was walking along with Will and Dustin as well.

"I guess I'll go" Dustin smiled and so did Suzie "We'll make you feel like you're apart of everything Will!" Suzie smiled and Will smiled back at her "Thanks" Dustin smiled and so did Suzie.

They all decided that they should just go to lunch, it was going to be simple and quick so why not? They were all hungry anyway.

Once they got to the dinner they went to a table and all started talking, Will just silently starred out the window, he was happy he got the window seat cause if he didn't he'd probably be bored out of his mind right now.

"Hey Will, what are you going to get?" Mike asked and Will finally looked away from the window and towards Mike "I'll probably just get a milkshake" Mike smiled "What kind."

Will thought for a moment "Vanilla" Both boy said making Mike smirk "I knew you were gonna say that" Will smiled just a bit feeling some blush rise to his cheeks.

Soon enough he decided to get involved in some conversation, he talked to Suzie a lot more, she was very cool actually, and Her and Dustin made the perfect couple.

Once they milkshakes and food got here they all began to eat, "So Will, is there any girl you fancy?" Max asked making Mike and El look over at Will with big smiles, really wanting to know.

Will became nervous, Dustin looking over and worrying for him as well, "Uh..There's no one...I don't like anyone" Max groaned as Lucas sighed "Come on dude! You have to like someone."

Will shook his head quick "I just don't like anybody" Max shrugged "It's fine if you don't wanna tell us, but at least give us a hint."

Will turned to Dustin and Dustin gave him a look that screamed "I don't know what you should do" Will sighed "Hi-Her name starts with a M."

Everyone smiled "Oh my gosh! Is it Michele from biology?" "Madilyn from English?" "Mariana from maths?" everyone was naming names left and right trying their best to figure out Will's crush.

Dustin turned to Will with a smirk, Will smiling back softly and shrugging "I didn't know what to do" Will mouthed and Dustin shook his head keeping that smile on his face "You just lied in more ways than one."

Dustin mouthed back, Suzie looked between the two and rose her brow "What are you two mouthing back and forth" They stopped and smiled sheepishly "Nothing at all" Suzie smirked and then went back to trying to name some names with the rest of the group.

Soon enough Dustin switched seats with Suzie so he was closer to Will.

"You were really close to saying his name" Dustin whispered and Will blushed "I know! But I didn't so now they can name every girl in the school that has an m name for the next 2 days, and soon enough they'll forget."

Dustin nodded slightly "You said 'she' was a girl though" Will rolled his eyes "What did you want me to come out to the whole party?" Dustin laughed and bit "Fair point."

They continued to talk but soon it was just Dustin blabbing on, Will was now staring at Mike as he named names with everyone.

Will just sadly starred "If only you knew it was your name" Will said to himself as he watched everyone try to find out his crushes name.


Word Count: 1283

Time Finished: 11:56

Authors Note: Broooo I was so close to not finishing this but then I was like...No! For the fans! even though this book has my lowest reader count...But anywayyyy I hope you guys enjoyed and see you next Thursday for another banger chapter!

☆Somewhere Only We Know☆-BylerWhere stories live. Discover now