Chapter 11: Demon lord

Start from the beginning

Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark summoning, Oni Dragon." A larger golden gate opened and red eyes glowed from within the dark space, a large black dragon crawled out, it roared at the ogre, the two of them charged at each other and engaged in combat. Hikari and Xenon dashed towards Hel, she quickly chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Cursed Wall." A wall appeared and blocked their movement, Hel laughed, "It's too can't stop the demon lord's resurrection! HAHAHAHA!"

The seal soon started cracking, Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark ar-" A beam of light disrupted Hikari's chanting, Hel smirked, "Don't even try..." Xenon quickly dashed towards Hel, "YOU!" Suddenly, the demon gate burst open, a powerful wind blew Xenon back, Hikari managed to catch her, "We are too late..."

Hikari's dragon was able to defeat the ogre, Hikari and Xenon took cover behind it. There was the sound of a sword dragging on the ground, a man with black and purple armour walked out of the gate, his face was covered with a mask, there were large purple wings on his back, the long blue sword with a purple handle slowly dragged along the ground, " finally free, that exorcist has sealed me for so long..."

Hel bowed to the demon lord, Havana, "My lord...I was the one who unsealed you, the world needs you to bring it to the right place." Havana laughed, "HAHAHAHA! A mortal asking me to correct this world, very well, I shall grant that wish..." Hikari hissed, "As if we will let you..."

Havana turned to Hikari, " look a lot like him, the exorcist that sealed me away..." He then looked at Xenon, "A kitsune? can work under me if you want." Xenon growled at him, "NO! I am a free spirit!" Havana laughed, "A free spirit? There is no spirit that is willing to disobey my command..." Hikari summoned his katana, "We shall seal you back again..." Havana cracked his neck, "You can try..." Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Hellfire." A big ball of flame flew at Havana, his entire body caught on fire.

However, with one sweep, the flames disappeared and Havana was left unscathed, "Useless tricks...let me show you what I got!" He fired a dark beam at Hikari, it was a direct hit, Hikari got knocked back and crashed into a wall, Xenon shouted, "MASTER!" Havana smirked, "So he is your master? How weak is he..." Xenon hissed, "How dare you insult my master like that!" She dashed towards Havana but was blocked by his sword, "Just like her master, your powers are nothing..."

The demon lord swung his sword and pushed Xenon away, Xenon then created her shadow flames around Havana, even though the flames are clearly touching him, he seems unaffected by the flames at all, "You can burn for as long as you want, this will not hurt me even a bit..." That left Xenon stunned, "How? My shadow flames..." Havana smirked, "You are just weak that's all." he sent one dark slash towards Xenon, knocking her off the ground and caused her to crash beside Hikari.

Hikari saw Xenon being badly hurt by Havana, "Xenon..." He slowly crawled towards her, Havana laughed, "Bow before me, you weak and foolish creatures..." Hikari clenched his fists, "You are just someone created from a massive amount of cursed mana, that's all...there is nothing special about you." Havana hissed, "You are searching for your death, boy..." He fired a dark beam at Hikari. Suddenly, Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Eternal Void." His violet eyes glowed and a spiral void appeared and absorbed the dark beam.

That surprised Havana, "Oh? You are able to block that attack, that's impressive, but that wouldn't be enough to defeat me..." Hikari muttered, "I know I can't defeat you right now...but I am giving the future of myself a chance to defeat you."

Xenon opened her eyes and saw Hikari still fighting, "Master..." Hikari then reached out his hand to her, "Let's do this, my little kitsune." Xenon nodded, "Mhm!" Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Spirit Blessings." Xenon then combined with Hikari, her soul entered his body, her fox powers combined with his cursed mana, white fox ears appeared on his head, Hikari muttered, "Scarlet Thunder." Hikari fired a scarlet beam at Havana, the demon lord tried repelling it with his own dark beam, Hikari infused more power inside his attack, his right eye turned scarlet, it shows that he is pushing his powers to the limit, the scarlet beam was able to overcome Havana's dark beam and it was a direct hit, causing a powerful explosion.

Hel shouted, "MY LORD!" She went over to check on Havana, he was only partially injured, when the smoke cleared, Hikari and Xenon were gone, that pissed the demon lord off, "Darn it...they got away." Hel confronted him, "It's okay my lord, now we just need to gather power so that even if they come again, we can defeat them easily." Havana sighed, "Fine..."

Hikari and Xenon managed to escape into the forest, both of them were exhausted, it was already night time, the moon hung brightly in the sky. Xenon took a few steps and then collapsed right in front of Hikari, he went to help her out, it turns out that she just used too much spirit mana, "You did well today...giant fur ball."

The exorcist carried his fox spirit in his arms and went back home, Hikari tucked Xenon in with his blanket on the bed, Hikari then laid on the sofa, he is in deep thought of what happened today, "If Xenon was not there, I would have died from Havana, I am not as strong as my great grandfather...I wonder how he is able to defeat him, I have to become stronger, how foolish I was to think that I don't have to improve myself, in order for me to truly become the strongest exorcist, I have to train myself daily..."

The moonlight shone down on Hikari's violet eyes, as if his great grandfather's soul was calling out to him...

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