selfie time (chap. 15)

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this is a pretty short chapter.. yeah.


june 11th 2:46pm

fionas pov

          "Come in honey." I followed her in and motioned Rachel to come, she didn't budge. "You go, i'll go in later." she said, or rather screamed, she was unnecessarily loud as she probably had her music cranked up to the highest volume. She kept her eyes on the screen of her phone as if they were glued toghether. I rolled my eyes if she doesn't marry that guy, i will ball my eyes out.

          the room was dark and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, the nurse, who im pretty sure was named Elvia, turned on a nightlight. thats when i saw aaron laying lifelessly on the hospital bed. i did what my first thought was to do. i walked up to him, and took a selfie with him. I couldn't help it. He looked kinda funny from my angle. I would show him that when he woke up- that is if he ever did. dont think like that, Vikkis boyfriend is fine. hes fine. Ehehe. I laughed at myself and went back outside, hoping that Rachel would agree to go into the room, but when I walked out she was no where to be found.

          Great. Just great.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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